Yana smiled a little on her side of the phone. Kenma and Kuroo would throw hands if anything happened. "I will. Don't worry."

"It's because you say that, that I worry."

"Don't you have any faith in me?"

Kuroo answered without hesitation. "I have as much faith in you as I do with letting Kenma eat on his own. Little to none."

"...I'm not sure if I should be flattered or not..." Yana gasped dramatically.

"That wasn't a compliment." He rubbed his forehead. "You know what? Just go to sleep! Good night."

"Pft, nighty nighty, sweet dreams" Yana hung up her phone then placed it on the charger. She wasn't going to get any more research done so she closed her laptop and tucked herself into bed.

- ----THE NEXT DAY-----

It hadn't even been ten minutes till Yana and Hajime entered the gym when Watari ran up to them. "Please teach me how to be a better Libero!" He pleaded earnestly to Yana. "I want to be able to tell my teammates with confidence that I have their backs!"

Yana and Hajime looked at each other before Yana turned back to Watari with an answer, "Um, don't you have a coach for that? I'm not exactly qualified to teach you anything."

"Please! Our coach is a good teacher for sure, but he doesn't always have time to help all of us out individually. Just the little scraps of advice you gave me a few days ago were already a big help." Watari gave his best puppy eyes. He earnestly wanted to learn and improve. "I...I really like the team we have right now – the third years especially. I want to help bring the team to nationals!"

Yana huffed not wanting to agree. She remembered the first time she went to nationals. The huge stadium was nothing like the school gyms. The blinding lights from the tall ceiling illuminated the wooden floor, the polish adding to its shine. Every quickstep left a high pitch squeaking sound from the volleyball shoes which only added to the symphony of cheers and team call outs. It was deafening. There was no way to properly describe the feeling of when you first walk into the building as a competitor. It's a different kind of anticipation than what a normal game would give, once you enter the court the unnecessary noise is muffled out, fear morphs into excitement and the adrenaline won't stop. She had only felt such a wonderful sensation once, every time after that was dulled out and darker.

Yana bit her bottom lip coming back down to earth. There were more pros than there were cons if she did agree to help. Yana was about to say no before she made eye contact with Watari's pleading eyes. She opened her mouth to refuse, but an unfiltered answer came out instead. "Hypothetically, if I did help teach you, would I need to do anything else? Manager duties and whatnot."

"I don't think there would be anything else. Maybe? I'll probably have to ask the coach first. Hold on." Watari quickly ran off to the other side of the court to ask the coach for permission. Yana didn't have to wait long before Watari came back with two people in tow.

The younger looking of the pair was the first to introduce himself, though if his receding ash -blonde hair was any indication he was probably in his early thirties. "I am Mizoguchi Sadayuki. Second Coach of this team."

The other man had black hair and dark eyes to match. He was a bit shorter and certainly larger in build compared to Mizoguchi. The only thing he had in common with the other coach -appearance wise- was the turquoise and white tracksuit they both donned. "I am Irihata Nobuteru. I am the head coach. Pleased to meet you."

Yana took his hand and shook it. Between the two coaches, Irihara seemed more laidback and confident in his team, whereas Mizoguchi was more serious looking. He was confident in the team; he was just the hardass coach out of the pair.

"I hear that Watari's sudden improvement came from some advice you shared to him."

Out of habit Yana stood up straighter, her feet shoulder length apart pointed outwards at a slight angle and her hands behind her back, thumbs interlocked. "Yes, sir." One of the lessons her demon coach had taught them was how to stand 'at ease'. He wasn't a military man by any means, but he just liked structure. If the coach were to address the team while inside the gym, they were required to stand perfectly. If they were outside of the gym, during match time, or right after a match, they would be free to stand however they pleased.

Both coaches raised an eyebrow, they weren't expecting such a rigid response from a highschool student. "What makes you think you are qualified to teach him?"

"I may not be as qualified as you, sir. Forgive my arrogance, but I would like to share my knowledge with your Libero. It will be beneficial in the long run I can assure you." This was Oikawa's and Hajime's last year to aim for nationals. Their last chance. It didn't really matter if the coaches agreed or disagreed, Yana had decided she was going to help Watari no matter what. She had decided that within the last ten seconds. Besides it's not like she was going to stay till the end of the year. At most it would only take a few months for him to learn. Heck, maybe less than! "May I have permission to help him, sir?"

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