Chapter 18: Player Hunt

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Tommy's POV

I decided to wake up early this time. The early bird gets the worm as they say. I walk out of my room, snapped my fingers and my clothes changed. I walk into the children's room, checking on them. They were still asleep, I smile and walk into the main area. I text Foolish:

"Hey you awake now?" I sent. I wait a few minutes and then I get a reply.
"Yeah I am what's up Tommy?" He asked.
"I'm coming to get you, where are you now?" I asked.
"Oh, I'm at my house right now, is there a specific place you want to meet up?" He asked.
"The nether, come to the nether and I'll meet you there," I said.
"Okay I'm coming to meet you," he replied.

I then put my chat away and made my way to the nether. I suddenly get a text again. I check and it's Sam:

"Where are they Tommy?!" He asked. I tiltled my head, "Who is the they that you speak of?" I asked. "You know who I'm talking about," he said. "No I really don't, what is going on?" I asked. "Karl, Quackity and Sapnap escaped yesterday. I have a suspicion that they came to you," he sent. They got out of prison? I started to get all gitty and happy, I can get them now. "No I don't have them, but i will soon. Thanks for the information Sam :) " I sent closing my chat log.

I started laughing, this is just rich. I should get Foolish now then I'll search for those three when I make sure he is safe in the base. I receive another text, "What now?" I said in a whiney tone. It was Foolish again:

"I realized that some players wasn't there during the time of the capture of your parents. Are they safe as well or do you intend to harm them?" He asked. Honestly that's a good question... I look up and pinpoint the players that weren't there during their capture. Hmmm...
"I'll take them in as well," I said. I saw their outline colours, they show no hostility to me. I sigh, I guess I'm taking in more players huh?

Purpled, Foolish, Vick, Lazerbeam, George, Fundy, Bad, Skeppy, HBomb, Puffy, Hannah, Michael, Connor, Callahan & Ant. That's quite a list... I sigh, I wonder if Ranboo is awake. I should send him a text.

"Ranboo," I sent.
"Yeah what's up?" He asked.
"I need you to make a few more rooms for more players," I said.
"Oh okay, you want it in a new area away from the kids?" He asked.
"Yes thank you!" I sent.

I first make my way to Foolish in the nether. "Hey Tommy! He said. I saw that Fundy and Purpled were with him. Saves me more time, " I'll teleport you guys to the base, Ranboo will guide you to your rooms. I'll get the rest of the players," I said. They all nodded their heads then I snapped my fingers and teleported them to Ranboo. I can get Skeppy, Bad and Ant in one place I should go to them first. I walk through the portal into the overworld.

It started turning day time, "Well there goes my cover," I said to myself. I walk over to Skeppy and Bad's house, I knock on the door waiting for an answer. "Coming!" I heard, Bad opened the door and saw me. "Hey Tommy, what's up!?" He asked. I sighed, "Long story short, you're not safe in the server anymore," I said with a straight face. "What?" He asked. "I'm saving those who didn't hunt down my parents, you Skeppy and Ant are one of those people," I said.

He was reluctant to ask, "What is the danger you're saving us from Tommy?" He asked. I smirked and said, "Me." He was shocked, "What do you mean by that Tommy?" He asked. "I'll tell you in more detail later. I'll teleport you to a safe place," I said smiling to him. "O-Okay," he said. "No worries, Ant and Skeppy are joining you just now," I said before snapping my fingers.

I start looking around to see if I can pinpoint the other players. I see Puffy, Connor and Hannah together. "Perfect," I said to myself. I start to switch my colours, my blond hair and wings turned into vines, my eyes and clothes also turned green. I fall through the ground and make my way over to the three of them. When I get close enough I come out of the ground and transform back to normal.

Tommy Adopted AU /KarlnapityWhere stories live. Discover now