Chapter 11: Child Hunt

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Multiple POVs
No one's POV

The server found out that Tommy was the one who killed Wilbur and got that achievement. They see him as a threat, they planned on capturing him.

Quackity's POV

I was organizing some files in Las Nevadas when I heard someone knock on the door. "Who is it?" I say without looking up. "Sam," the voice said. "Come in," I replied putting files down and looking up at the door. "What brings you here Sam?" I asked. He sighed and said, "Quackity I'm gonna have to place Tommy under arrest until we know he is safe for the server." My heart sank, I rose up and yelled, "Don't you dare touch Tommy, Sam! You and I will have major problems if you do!" "I'm sorry Quackity it's for the good of the server..." He replied.

I quickly sent a message to Sapnap and Karl then I tried to run out the room. Sam grabbed me and pinned me down, "Let me go Sam!' I yelled. "I'm sorry," he replied. He knocked me out and I fell unconscious.

Sapnap's POV

I got the message Quackity sent, I quickly run upstairs and grab Tommy. "Dadnap? What's going on?" He asked. "The server is coming for you Tommy, you have to run! I've already packed your bag!" I replied. "But I can-" I interrupted and said, "You can and you have to. You need to go and fast!" I hand him his bag and bring him out towards the docks. The server is following close behind us, I start running even faster. I give him a hug and send him off in the boat. "GO TOMMY AND NEVER LOOK BACK!" I yelled.

Tommy's POV

I look behind me to see the mob of players apprehend Sapnap. I was looking at faces, remembering each and everyone of them. I wanted to do something but I can't. I follow Sapnap's advice, I look forward and take the boat to the other side of the server. "They are gone..." I said to myself. Why do they take everything good away from me. Why me? Why me? Why me? Why me? Why me? Why me? Why me? WHY CAN'T I BE HAPPY?!

I curl into a ball and cry as the boat sails. Something inside me snapped, I feel nothing.....I wipe my tears and start sailing. I'll get them back even if it means I have to kill the entire server.

Karl's POV

I was the first one to get captured. I tried to run to my house to get to Sapnap and Tommy but they caught me. They put me in one of the cells in the prison. I hear yelling in the distance, "Let me go Sam! You'll regret this!" It was Quackity. Sam put him in the cell beside me, "You'll be here until we find Tommy..." Sam said walking away. "Quackity," I called out. "Karl?" He replied. "Yes, yes it's me!" I responded.

"Where's Sapnap?" Quackity asked. "He sent me a text and said that Tommy got away. I think they got him..." I responded, "I think they'll put him in a fire proof cell...." We lost Tommy, now Sapnap... "At least Tommy is safe for now..." Quackity sighed. I sighed and said, "Yeah, for now..."

Tommy's POV

I've reached 30,000 blocks away from the dock. I had to abandon the boat since it was taking to long. I'm all wet now, at least I can breathe and move faster in water. I really do look like a merman, I have gills and webbed hands like they. I have the tail to match so I can move faster. Is it better to have an underwater base? This is gonna take a while.... I start gathering blocks and materials. I break apart underwater temples to make mine.

I've made my base so low that even if you have the highest respiration helmet. You can still drown, you can't see the base unless I want you to. Which is an added bonus, I can also camouflage so I can stay unseen. I rule over the sea and the nether, I wonder if there is more gems that I can find... There are still empty spaces in my crown..... At least I know I have a new objective... To gain more power.

Sapnap's POV

Sam put me in one of the fire proof cells. He knocked my out and i woke up with a muzzle on my mouth and chains binding my hands. What am I an animal? At least I can talk through the muzzle. I hear a dispenser, next thing I knew a potion hit me. I started feeling weaker, so that's his plan huh? Weakness potions, so I can't use my powers. That must mean I'm in a normal cell and there is no such thing as fire proof. I'll play along for now...

Tommy's POV

It's already been 8 hours since I ran away. Half of the base is done, I'm glad for that. During that time I realized that I'm able to make guardians as well. These aren't like any regular ones, oh no, no, no. These guardians no one can see besides me. They can see when you're invisible and can kill a person in one lazer shot who has diamond armour. I'm trying to find a way to upgrade it so it takes 2 shots for netherite at least. It takes a lot of power out of me to make them, so I'm really tired right now.

I should go to sleep. Before I do I look in the direction of the SMP and I see the outline of 3 players. "Good they're still alive," I said to myself. After I finish the water base I want to move onto the nether. It's good to have two bases. I sigh, why does this have to happen to me.... Does no one want me to be happy? I realized something, I look towards the SMP and highlight two more people, Foolish and Ranboo. I have to get to them somehow, without getting caught.

They are the only two safe bets I have. I check the malice of the other players and just as I guessed. Most will kill me on sight, I lay back down in my bed. Is being a God this stressful? I fall asleep.

(Recommended Song: Lovely by Billie Eillish Ft. Khalid)

I wake up in the same grassy field. But this time the sky is grey, the sun is covered up and it's raining. I see my younger self near a tree taking shelter. Crying curled up into a ball. I walk over and sit beside myself. I pick him up, put him in my lap and hug him. Sapnap, Karl and Quackity appear then they sit beside us.

(Thought I found a way.)

"Thought I found a way out..But you never go away, so I guess I gotta stay now...(T)"
"Oh I hope some day I'll make it out of here, even if it takes all night or a hundred years. (S,K,Q)"
"Need a place to hide but I can't find one near. Wanna feel alive outside I can't fight my fear...(T)

Dream appears in front of us.
"Isn't it lovely? All alone. (D) "
"Heart made of glass, my mind of stone. Tear me to pieces, skin and bone.(T) "
"Hello, welcome home. (Q, S, K)

I see Dream disappear. Karl, Sapnap and Quackity's house appear in the field. I get up holding younger me and I walk over.

(Some things on my mind...always in my head space)

We see them running out of the house and the server following after. Big Q trips and falls, Sapnap and Karl rush towards him. Next thing they knew they were surrounded and captured. They were fighting and struggling to get out of their grips. Soon enough they were knocked out and was taken to the prison.

(Wanna feel alive outside I can't fight my fear..)

Sam puts them all in their cells. "Isn't it lovely? All alone, heart made of glass, my mind of stone. Tear me to pieces, skin and bone. Hello, welcome home (Sa) he said the last part looking at me.

I fell to my knees and cried. I screamed in pain. Dream appeared right next to Sam. They both walk over to me and said, "Hello, welcome home~" They all disappeared, everyone just leaving me and my younger self. He wraps his arms around me and gives me a hug. I pull him closer and hug him tighter, we both started crying more. While we held onto each other. I only have myself now...

Tommy Adopted AU /KarlnapityWhere stories live. Discover now