Chapter 6: I'm a WHAT?!

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Multiple POVs
Tommy's POV

Mama Q and I made our way home after coming from Las Nevadas. We land on the Landing pad and I rush in the door. "Slow down Tommy," Mama Q said giggling. "Dadnap!" I yell. I watch as Karl and Sapnap make their way downstairs. Mama Q makes his way inside as well. "I have a question." I said. He tilted his head. "If you can make endermen sounds but can swim in water without getting hurt. What are you?" I asked.

He pondered for a moment and said, "Well you could be a fusion or a mix of many things, why what happened?" He asked. "Tommy's wings and eyes changed when Wilbur was being hostile towards me. He immediately pushed him raised his wings and growled like an endermen. His eyes turned red like a nethermen and his wings has a disc symbol on each of his feathers," Mama Q explained.

I walk over to an area where there is enough space to spread my wings. I spread them and they were bigger then before, Karl and Sapnap's eyes went wide. "Is there something wrong?" I asked. Sapnap walk towards my wings, "Can I touch them?" He asked. I nodded my head and he began to examine my wings.

Sapnap's POV

I've only seen wings like these in books. They were bigger than when we last saw them...."Tommy, did you have some type of dream or something?" I asked. He snapped his fingers and said, "Oh yeah, a spirit visited me in my dream and made me do all types of things but at the end I took control and killed the spirit." He replied.

I sighed, "Well the spirit you killed was keeping you from getting your true powers Tommy. It's a good thing you killed it but you'll be experiencing more things from now on." I replied, "All I can say for now is that you are part nethermen, an elytrian and something else. We might have to ask Phil where he found you...." Tommy looked down the moment I said that last remark. I pat his head and say, "It'll be alright we'll come with you." I said.

He raised his head, looked at me and nodded. I let go of his wings and clap my hands, "Are you guys hungry cause I am!" I said while stretching. Karl laughs and walks over to the kitchen. I look over at Tommy and still see him a bit sad and puzzled. I rub his back and guide him over to the TV room couch.

Tommy's POV

I sit on the couch and all I could think is why. Why must I go back there? Why do I have to see them? If I see Phil, I'm bound to see Techno right? Tubbo as well since he lives nearby.... I sigh and look at the TV to distract me. "Guys food is ready!" Karl yelled. I get up and walk towards the dining room table and eat. We all talked with each other while eating. We all finished, I took the plates and started washing them.

After I finish I walk up stairs and said, "I'm heading off, night!" "Night," they all replied. I walk to my room, close the door and take out my wings. My head began to hurt, I immediately fell to my knees since the pain was unbearable. I screamed out in pain while holding my head to the ground. My screams turn into endermen noises and then I hear the door open.

"Tommy!" Karl yelled. He ran over to me and places a hand on my back.

Karl's POV

What's going on with Tommy? I suddenly hear screaming and now endermen noises coming from him. I look at Tommy and see his hair is changing from blond to lava. I felt an arm pulling me back, I turn around and it was Sapnap. "Don't touch him right now, you'll get burned!" He exclaimed. I back away from Tommy and watch as Sapnap gets closer to him.

Tommy's POV

My head and my eyes hurt. What's wrong with me, what's going on. I screech in pain once more before stopping. The pain was gone? I take my hands off and raise my head gasping for air. I feel a liquid drip from my eyes. I turned around, Sapnap, Karl and Quackity looked at me shocked. "T-T-Tommy what happened to you?" Big Q said coming closer to me. "DON'T!" Sapnap yelled, "IF YOU TOUCH HIM NOW YOU'LL GET BURNED!" I look at him confused. "Burned?" I asked.

Karl gets up and runs out the room. He comes back holding a hand mirror, opens it and I look into my reflection. My hair turned into lava, my eyes are crying lava and my eyes went from blue to red. I have no burn marks or anything on me, I feel no pain either. Out of no where a magma crown appears on my head with a golden red jewel on the front, the other empty jewel spots had fire in them.

Sapnap gasped and said, "You're the prince of the nether Tommy...." We all looked at Sapnap with shock. "What do you mean by that Sapnap?" Mama Q asked. He sighed and said, "When I was younger there was a king and a queen ruling the nether. They had one son and his name was Theseus. A week after the prince was born the kingdom was under attack. It was said that everyone was killed during that attack but when we searched. Your body was never found.... Now the real question is how did Phil find you?"

All the worst possiblities ran through my head. What if he killed my parents and took me? What if my parents abandoned me to save my life and Phil found me? My thoughts were interrupted by Sapnap, "Tommy firstly I need you to calm down. You have to turn your hair from lava to magma so you don't hurt anyone," he said. He took my hand and tried to place it on his chest. I wanted to pull away but he grabbed me. "You cannot fear this power Tommy or I it will consume you. You can do no harm to me since I am resist to heat," he said sternly.

I stopped struggling, he put my hand on his chest and matched his breathing pattern. My hair went from lava to magma and my eyes turned from lava to ash. "His eyes turned back to normal!" Karl exclaimed. I calmed down and looked at Sapnap. I hugged him and said, "I'm scared, what do I do now?...." He hugged me back and said, "First we find out what we need to know from Phil then we go on from there." I nod my head and fall asleep on his chest.

Sapnap's POV

He's asleep? His body temperature dropped. I carry him and place him on the bed. Since his wings are still out I place him sideways and not on his back. I sigh, turn around and look at my two lovers. I guide them out of the room and close the door. "Will he be okay?" They both asked. I nod my head and say, "Yes he's just exhausted right now, he should be fine tomorrow." I hope......

Tommy Adopted AU /KarlnapityWhere stories live. Discover now