Chapter 12: Lightning Rod

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Multiple POVs
Tommy's POV

It's been 3 days since I ran away. I finished my water base and started up my nether one. I feel like something in me snapped when I watched them get detained. The wanting of more power is burning inside of me. The hunger for it grows more and more everyday. As well as the hatred for those who oppose me. The voices in my head are starting to get worse. First they wish for death now they want... Blood. I can't help but feel this way.

I looked at myself in the mirror, I was a mess. My eyes were no longer blue, they were black. My skin is pale as a ghost and there are bags under my eyes. Everything else about me remained the same. I feel nothing but emptiness and the urge to kill. A tiny bit of me has hope that when I get them back I will change to normal. That hope is slowly dying as the days go on....They know where I am, Tubbo has my compass. They searched everywhere around the area but couldn't find me. They even searched the ocean but couldn't reach me.

Humans are foolish beings...they always think they can get as they wish. I sound like a hypocrite 'cause I used to think the same exact way. At least my eyes have been opened, I don't believe in such things anymore. If I want something now, I just take it. I make my way to the nether using my own personal portal. I snap my fingers and appear near the base that I was setting up. I have guards near the entrance, wither skeletons, pigmen and piglins. They aren't like the normal ones, they are special one of a kind ones that I have created myself.

They operate like humans but they are even better than them. One hit and you get flown back 70 blocks. They can't die at all, if they do they immediately get up and fight again. They are the literal definition of an undead mob. I was able to finish up the castle today. Why have a base when you can have a castle, this one I'm able to manipulate as I see fit. I finished my work for the day and snapped my fingers. I was teleported to a place that wasn't my base. I immediately look around and I see that the clouds in the sky started changing colours. It was pure black, I look up and suddenly I'm struck by lightning.

I fall on my back, but I slowly get up. I see that the chat log pingged once more. I open it and read the message:

Tommyinnt has earned an achievement: Thunder's Best Friend

"What?..." I said to myself. I immediately look at myself and I'm sparking with electricity. My lava hair turned into back to blond but it was glowing. Suddenly a stone appeared in front of me, it's was glowing yellow. I touched it with my pointer finger and immediately enters my crown. I feel power go through my bones, I looked at myself once more and smile. I walk away from the spot laughing.

Sapnap's POV

I notice the chat log and I smile. It's good that Tommy is gaining power. The sooner he does the sooner we get the fuck outta here. I started to laugh, I quickly sent a message to Tommy using voice commands.

"Proud of you Toms, keep collecting the power you need. We'll be here waiting for you."


Tommy's POV

I look at the chat and smile. I'm glad Sapnap is encouraging, if it was Phil he'll immediately shut me down. He calls himself an anarchist but he doesn't even do it properly. Now I have to get in contact with Ranboo without Tubbo knowing.... I'll send him a private message I hope Tubbo isn't near to read it.

"Ranboo.." I sent.
"Tommy? Are you okay?" He asked.
"Yes I'm alright, is Tubbo nearby?" I asked.
"No he's out searching for you, right now," he replied.
"He might as well not bother doing so, he won't find me," I said.
"I don't have a say in the matter, I'm sorry Tommy :(" he responded.
"Listen the only two people I trust are you and Foolish. You need to hang around Foolish and pass the message for me," I said.
"Yes, sure no problem," he replied.
"Do you know anything about Sapnap, Karl and Quackity?" I asked.
"No I'm sorry, Sam won't tell us anything. He might tell Foolish so I'll ask him," he replied.
"Alright, I'll check back with you in a few days. I don't want you to get caught," I said.
"Okay Tommy, stay safe okay?" He said.
"Yes, bye Ranboo," I replied.
"Bye!" He answered.

Tommy Adopted AU /KarlnapityWhere stories live. Discover now