She crossed her legs, pulling her hair back to lay atop the cushions as Bakugou stood directly in front of the TV. Super Smash Bros flashed across the screen, quietly playing the theme song as he walked back toward the couch.

He wore grey sweatpants that hung low on his waist, paired with a light grey tank top. His hair was ruffled and messy, given he'd showered not too long ago. He sported a pretty pink spot on his jaw, one he'd earned from one of Costa's light bursts during sparring.

She sported a darker, purply toned one on her forehead, covered by her hairline. Neither bothered to ice their injuries, given they just kept giving each other new ones.

Costa examined her clear, lit-up controller with a raised eyebrow, "Who bought these controllers?"

"Hm?" he more-so grunted than hummed as the screen to select their avatars popped up. Costa bit her lip, moving her joystick to scan all the different options she had to play with. She'd tried every single one of these characters, had battled it out against the computer and her classmates. "The controllers," she repeated, "I thought we only had the switch controllers."

He let out that 'tch' noise he always made, "No, these are mine. Idiot."

"Yours?" she asked in confusion, "They were already in the basket."

"I brought them down earlier when it was just Tokoyami and Sato down here," he shrugged, selecting his avatar. Kong, so obvious. "I knew they wouldn't touch them," he continued and Costa tore her gaze away from the screen, just for a second, to glance at him, "I told you I have an Xbox, plus you can't play Smash Bros with those tiny-ass controllers."

"You mean amateurs can't play Smash Bros on those," Costa smirked as she selected her go-to avatar, Link. She messed around with the controls to adjust his uniform as Bakugou sent her a side-glare. Before he could make a retort about her being 'annoying', she turned toward him with that challenging look in her eyes, "You ready?"

"Oh, you fucking bet I'm ready."

Both of their gazes darkened, eyes focusing on the screen as they sat up, alert and ready to battle it out.

She pressed a button, selecting 'Ready to Fight'. He quickly did the same and thus commenced the tournament.


"Cheap shot for a rookie!"

"If it was so cheap, why'd I knock you off the side?"

Bakugou and Costa lay with their backs against the couch, now seated on the ground with a huge bowl of popcorn in front of them. Their faces were warped into a frightening gaze of determined fury as they aggressively wiggled their fingers, pressing the buttons on their controllers furiously.

They were over halfway through the tournament, with Bakugou in the lead by one point but Costa was determined to level out the score before claiming her win.

Costa edged him with a series of attacks, multiple combo moves she could do in her sleep. She giggled as his health went down drastically after delivering a lethal shot. He growled from beside her, his dark aura radiating off of him in waves. She never let it distract or intimidate her, despite the intensity of his fury when she did win.

The Wildcard - Katsuki BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now