Finding Ivy Part 22

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     He swallows, "My grandma didn't die until I was nine."

     "Oh, Aaron I'm sorry. That must have been hard on y- Wait!" He jumps off the wall at my sudden exclamation, "What exactly does that mean? How old was I when I got my powers?"

     "It means that it wasn't my air that fell in love with you, it was me. And think about it Ivy, when did you start to get your powers?"

      "Well, about a week ago." Realization hit me. If I didn't get mine until just recently, then that means in my memories when I was so in love with Aaron at such a young age, it wasn't my fire?

     "So, one of my grandparents died? And wait does this mean that you're my cousin?"

     "What!? How did you get that out of everything I said? Hell no, I'm not your cousin. Gosh, Ivy. I don't care how much I love you, sometimes you're a dork."

     "Wait, if it gets passed down from generation to generation then how could we not be related? I mean fire is with air and all that. We have to be related. Oh gosh, this is nasty were kissing cousins."

     Aaron puts his head in his hands, and his whole body starts to shake. I didn't realize he would take it so hard. I walk towards him and go to put a comforting hand on his shoulder when I realize that he isn't crying. He's laughing at me! The comforting hand turns into a slap to the back of his head.

     "I-I'm sorry. H-hold on and I-I'll e-explain," he says through his fits of laughter. I can hear him mumbling kissing cousins under his breath then start laughing harder. My lips twitch, but I refuse to let them change my frown.

     "Okay, Okay. I'm sorry, but that was too funny, and people wonder why I love you."

     "It's fine, now tell me."

     "That's just our prophecy. It's not your grandfather's. He married a non-elemental. Just like everyone before him, and just like everyone will after us. They don't have some war every other generation," he says still smiling largely at me.

     "Fine, I get it. You didn't have to be so mean," I grumble at him.

     "I wasn't being mean. Aw, come on Ivy. Don't pout, you know I love you."

     I suck my lips in my mouth, "I don't pout."

     "What is wrong with you? Are you not hearing what I'm saying?" He asks while standing from his spot on the ground. He grabs the sides of my face gently and his beautiful blue eyes look into mine, "I've told you that I love you about six times already, Ivy. I love you, and I've loved you for as long as I can remember, even before the air and fire. We are meant for each other. Even without the powers, I could never love someone else."

     My eyes water at his sweetness, "I lo-Ouch!" he jerks back.

     "What's wrong?"

     I look down at the bracelet that tightened on my wrist once again, but to this point it isn't an ache but a sharp pain. But once I look at the bracelet, I wonder what I'm doing with Aaron. I'm supposed to be with Chris.

     "Oh, it's nothing. I'm sorry; Aaron, but I don't love you." Those words make me feel like I have heartburn. What is that?

     "Ivy, stop looking at the bracelet and look at me," he tells me while grabbing my face once more, "You were going to say it and you know it. You know how you really feel. Not, your fire but you. You loved me when you were four. Do you remember?"

      Looking into his eyes made it easier to think, "I remember the dream."

     "Come on, Ivy fight it. Please for me?"

     Fight what? What did he want me to fight? My confused expression made his turn into a frustrated one. He let go of my face just as gently as he held it, before stomping towards the living room door. I don't think he realizes that I am following him, but there is no way I'm not finding out what exactly is going on this time.

     He slams the door open, "I can't take it anymore. I'm going upstairs and killing the bastard!"

     "You can't do that. You remember the prophecy, she has to-", Wyatt starts, but is quickly interrupted by Aaron.

     "I don't care if she has to do it on her own. Do you know how hard it is to watch her do things by herself when I could help? Don't nod your head at me, Wyatt. You have no idea what it's like!"

     "She's my sister; I think I know how hard it is."

     "She might be your sister, but she's my soul mate. And I think we should just tell her, Wyatt. I don't like keeping things from her. It hurts."

     "We were sworn to secrecy. We can't tell her."

     "I hate this. Do you understand me? If she would be happy with me just taking her somewhere safe, I would let everyone die. I can't take her not knowing. You keep to many secrets, Wyatt, and I'm tired of it."

     "Look if this is about the bracelet that Chris gave her, just take it off," Wyatt says as if it's an easy solution to all his problems.

     "And what? Let her become so depressed she is suicidal? I would rather him have the love charm on her that her kill herself!"

     A gasp leaves my throat, and they both turn to me with wide eyes.

Finding Ivy and Hunting DianaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz