talking about how he beat me up so bad, that when Roman came to my apartment, he found me unconscious on my apartment floor...

"After that day, Lelani went on to train even more so something like that would NEVER happen again. And if it wasn't for the help of Big Brother Roman, her abusive ex would still be running around this world, causing poor Lelani pain. Because as I speak, he is currently rotting in jail. But Lelani has even deeper secrets. There is a reason why she wears wrist tape for her matches. It's because she has scars on her wrists because she needed to cope somehow, so she turned to harmful acts. If I were Lelani, I would cover up those ugly things too!"- Charlotte

That's it!

I slipped out of the Bella's holds, crawled out of the ring, and ran up the ramp, but Charlotte ran away before I could reach her.

I ran my hands threw my curly hair, and took a deep breath. My mind was clouded.

The fans chants were surrounding me. They were saying things like

'its okay'
'Don't listen to her'
'Your still my favorite'

And so many other things. The Bella's met up with me, and we walked backstage, and to my Lockeroom.

They soon both left me alone, and as soon as my door was shut, I broke down into tears.

I ripped my wrist tape off, to look at my arms.

She's right. These things are ugly. I hate what I did to myself. Maybe everyone's right. Maybe I am weak.

I sat down on my couch, and I watched Smackdown, in tears.

. . . 

Dean and Roman won their tag team match, but as soon as they were declared the winners, they booked it to the back.

I heard my door open, and I peeked my head out from my bathroom, and walked out, and was instantly surrounded in a hug by both Dean and Roman. And I started crying in Dean's chest. Thank goodness my makeup artist put on waterproof makeup tonight.

Both boys tried their best to calm me down. They both know that I was always self conscience about my scars. And I had just recently started excepting my scars. But Charlotte just poured salt on an open wound.

I mean, even though I absolutely despise the side of Seth Rollins, I told him what happened, he NEVER said anything. So I guess there is something good about him.

I pulled away from Roman, and he wiped my tears away. With him being careful of my makeup.

"Hey look at me. What she just said out there was completely uncalled for, but don't let what she said get to you. These scars, they are not what define you. These scars will help you grow more as a person. Okay?"- Roman

I smiled weakly, but nodded my head, and he hugged me once more.

Roman left to go get some water, while Dean and I stayed back to continue watching Smack down.

Dean pulled me to his side, and I held new wrist tape in my hands.

I contemplated on whether or not I should put on the tape.

"Babygirl? You alright?"- Dean

"You know, when I came back to my Lockeroom, I was in tears, wanting to hide my scars even more than I do now. But when you guys came in here, and reminded me of what these scars mean, and I realized that if I got through it once, I can go through it again."- Lelani

I threw the wrist tape over by my gear bag, and rested my head on Dean's shoulder.

"I'm so proud of you babygirl."- Dean

The Powerhouse's Little Sister (Dean Ambrose x OC) (Book 1)(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now