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-Hello? I asked as I opened the door.

No one answered me and that was weird. I told Japan to come inside and she obeyed and entered. Something was weird, there was an atmosphere in the room, no, the whole house had the same atmosphere. I whistled to call Bolt but I didn't hear steps running down the stairs. I closed the door when she entered and started to look around. I went out the backyard which I always do but I didn't know why my brothers would be there.

But, they were. All three of them were doing a half circle and looking down on something. All of them being in dark suits. Japan gasped, meaning she understood something but kept it with her and turned to me.

-What's going on? I called for them and they turned to me.

-A-Aus... You're already here... Canada said and had wide and red eyes, as if he was crying. We're really sorry...

My brain couldn't comprehend because when they all turned to me, all of them were crying. Ame the most and NZ the least. All of them had their funeral suits on and that wasn't a good sign. Canada was in a long black jacket with a hint of redness shining in the darkness. Ame had his old navy blue suit with the tie being stripes of light blue. NZ had a jacket as long as Canada's but white with gold accents since he pictures death with a white dress than black like everyone else.

-Who died? I asked them and walked towards them.

-Do you really want to hear it, mate? NZ asked and I nodded.

-I wanna know so that I can pay respect. I explained to them and they looked at each other.

-Bolt. Ame said breaking the silence between all of us.

I could hear Japan whimpered in surprise and sadness when Ame said who it was.

-Bolt... died? I asked them and they all nodded and bend down their heads to pay their respects to me, I was the owner.

-We're really sorry for your lost... Canada said as if Bolt wasn't theirs and was just mine.

-What. The. Fuck guys! I shouted at them and they lift their heads and eyes widened in surprise by my tone. Why the fuck are you doing this?!

-Your dog died Aussie, of course we will be sorry for you... NZ explained in a soft tone.

-There! What you just said. Why does it look like Bolt doesn't belong to you guys as well?! You take care of him when I'm not around, why are you saying sorry to me?

-Because you guys are very close that we know it will affect you the most. Ame answered and had a questioning voice.

-... To be honest, I don't care.

Silence. Everyone had their eyes wide open and mouth open slightly. They couldn't believe that I said that. I pushed them to the side so that I could observe the cold body of Bolt.

-W-What do you mean? Ame asked me, scared.

-I knew he was going to die sooner or later... Everyone dies, it's part of nature. I explained and looked up to them to continue. You don't know how many pets died right in front of my very own eyes. Death is nothing to me, this won't make me shred a tear. Sure, Bolt stays somewhere important in my heart but, it won't affect me.

I picked up the shovel that was on the ground and started to put back the dirt in the hole. No one said anything during the moment but me. I was humming a song while doing it. I patted the soil with the shovel to make sure there was an even distribution. I kneeled down next to it and picked out a flower and placed it on the soil. I handed Canada the shovel and he took it which now I was able to see his white gloves that he was wearing since he wasn't hiding them anymore.

I walked back towards Japan and grabbed her hand gently. We entered while being observed by my siblings. We grabbed some snacks in the counter and walked to my room.

But just some steps in, I fell on my knees on the floor. Warm tears running down my eyes and hicks coming out of my mouth. I fell the rest of my body on the ground and curled up into a ball and rocked myself trying to calm down.

-Aussie... Japan called worried and kneeled down beside me and eventually lied down.

-I-I'm sorry... T-Th-This was supp-suppose to be ou- *hic* our date... I messed it up... I was able to whisper out the last sentence.

-No it isn't. She wrapped her arm around my neck and made my head rest on her chest. It can never be your fault. How were you suppose to know that he would die tonight? It just happens, like you said, it's nature's job and it's just doing it's job. You can do nothing about it.

-... Should I be crying this much... I mean, I know that animals dies, but this much?

-It's normal Aussie. It's a big part of your heart that Bolt lives in... So him dying is you basically losing that piece. And since every piece of your heart it very special, of course you don't want to let it go. Other than that, you will have to sew it together, find something else to change it but you know that it won't be the same. But that's fine, you can always sew it, leaving a big hole in your heart and a big scar. But that's just memory, and memories aren't going anywhere, even when you think you replaced it with something else.

-How do you know all of this?

-Experience. I've felt the same thing like you. And you thing it's weak to cry, but studies has shown that crying it good.

We stayed there silently, just enjoying each other's company.

-Wanna watch Netflix? I asked her and she hummed.

-Sure, whatever to make you forget for a while about this event with your pet.

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