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Japan opened the door of her house and it was the same thing. She pushed me in and opened the lights and closed the door. She touched the bracelet and so did I. She walked towards a room and I just looked around. The room was quite bloody and it looks like it will take a while to scrub it off. Japan walked back to me with two buckets in her hands and she gave me one.

-Are you alright? Take the bucket. She said and shoving it to my face.

-Sorry... I said and grabbed the bucket.

-What's wrong? If you need to use the toilet, it's over there.

-Oh no... It's just that you're really pretty with a ponytail... I whispered the last part and turned around and wore my yellow gloves. So, where do I scrub?

-You think I'm pretty? Japan asked and I turned my head. Really? You like it when I tie my hair?

-Yes, really. I'm surprised that you don't do that more frequently.

Japan put the bucket on the ground and walked to me. She slipped her arms under mine and wrapped them around my waist and she rest her head on my chest. I was trying to calm my heart down since I was worried that she will hear it beating really hard.

-Thanks... She whispered while holding me tightly.

I didn't say anything. I didn't want to ruin with what is happening right now with me and Japan. I didn't want to touch her since I was in rubbery gloves so I don't know what bacterias are on it. She eventually pulled away and her eyes widened when she saw my face.

-Oh Aussie! Your face is all red! Are you sure you're feeling fine? I mean, today as been rough.

-No, it's not about that...

-Then, what is it about?

-... Something embarrassing...

-... Aussie, who and when was the last time you were this close with a girl?


-Aussie? Japan called out my name and started to laugh. Tell me, when was the last time?

-Dang it! It was middle school and I was with Indo!

I knew Japan was speechless and surprised. She had wide eyes and her mouth was opened and was forming a smile.

-Go ahead, laugh. My brothers do that as well so I got used to it. 

-I wasn't going to laugh, who said that?

I crossed my arms and stared at her, knowing at any time now, she will laugh at me. And soon enough, she started to snicker and laughed at me. I rolled my eyes and she kept laughing and slowly fall on her knees and hugging her stomach. She started to slow down and got back up with a smile on her face.

-Are you done? I asked and she nodded but soon enough, she started to laugh again so I gave a sigh.

-I'm sorry Aussie, I'm not suppose to laugh at this. But really? It has been a long time since you were this close with a girl? Of course, other then you mom. 

-Oh shut it. You can't understand it. Now come on, where do I start cleaning?

-Right, of course. I'll start  in my room and you can start on the stairs. I'll come back down once I'm done because in there, there is a big puddle of blood on the floor. Oh, and also I have to deal with my cats as well.

I nodded and she went to climb the stairs and when she went to a room, I started at the bottom and work my way to the top. 

While I was almost done halfway, I heard footsteps upstairs so I looked up. I almost slipped because of the soap. 

-Be careful Aussie, you almost slipped.

-Why are you holding dead cats?! I shouted and Japan looked at her hands.

-Oh, they're dead because of you know who. That's why there are quite a lot of blood.

-Oh God! He's a mad man! How are you feeling? You must feel so afraid!

-Well, I hate him even more now. But this time, I don't know what to do with them. I don't know if I should bury it or just throw it in the trash.

-Bury them! Don't throw them in a plastic bag! What if the trash man take it and underneath it's leaking blood. He will be terrified! 

-Hmm, you're right. Can you later help me to bury them?

-Yeah, sure.


She tried to walk down and I helped her. But she sadly slipped and fell down on the stairs. Luckily, I grabbed her arm so she didn't went down the stairs or hit her head.

-Are you alright? I asked her and helped her to get up.

-Yeah, thank you. There are some stuff happening in my mind that I don't look around my surroundings. 

-Why, what's wrong?

-Umm, I'm quite scared for my future. I'm afraid of China coming through the door suddenly.

-It's going to be fine, I'm here if he ever comes back. And if it makes you feel better, you can crash at me and my brothers place. That will make sure that China can't come and harm you.

-Really? You'll let me do that? What about your siblings? Are you sure that you can do that?

-Don't worry, I'm sure they are fine with it. I mean, if we tell them that some crazy man might try to harm you, they can't say no, right?

-Well, I hope. Once the house is clean, I will come back. 

-Are you sure?

-Yup. It's fine, I've got my brother's katana. 

-Well, if your sure about it, then you can. But just know, if you are ever scared, just come and crash at my place. 

-Thanks. I'm done up there, so I'll start to take off the bloody covers of the couch in the living room. Once you are done with the stairs, come help me out in the living room. Japan said and I nodded and helped her walk down safely and went back to work. 

When we finished the stairs, some of the living room and Japan's room, it was already dusk. We decided that it was time to go back to my house and so we walked together.

Animals (Ausjap countryhumans)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora