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-Oh my god, I'm so tired! Japan exclaimed and leaned on my body.

We were both leaning on cage of the famous crocodile. But, Japan wasn't leaning on the cage but more on my body.

-It's so hard to take care of all of the felines in this zoo! I didn't know there are a lot.

-I got to take care almost all of the Australian wildlife! I was so happy to finally be able to feed and tell kids about the Inland Taipan!! The kids were amazed at what I told them! How are the felines?

-Cute and nice to me as always. The male lion was really nice to me surprisingly. Wanna go to lunch now? Japan asked and got up and she grabbed my wrist. I'm hungry! And you said it was on you!

-Alright, let's go.

Japan jumped happily a bit and had a big smile. She pulled me to go to the changing room. We said bye to Abiona and she waved good bye as well. I quickly changed and waited for outside and when she came out, she grabbed and hold onto my hand. We walked together next to each other and Japan was way too hungry so she was quite grumpy.

-So, where are we going to eat? Japan asked and I shrugged.

-Got anything in mind?

-I don't want anything fancy, just a place where we can chill and eat as... friends.

-Well, what about Subway?

-Oh yes! It's been quite a while since I ate them! I hope they have shrimp avocados... Japan sigh I paused and stared at her weirdly. What? In Japan, there are a lot of weird food combinations. Don't judge us! You have a weird very bitter jam that people get confuse with Nutella but are nothing alike!

-Hey! People are stupid to not taste those stuff.

She did an eye roll and smiled and eventually giggled. After a short pause and us still having our hands together, but she didn't seem to mind, we continued to walk. I knew there was a nearby Subway just at the corner of the street and there was a big water fountain nearby which people go and have a picnic or tourists comes to take pictures. We both could take our sandwiches and eat over there. I asked Japan if it was a good idea and she nodded.

When we arrived, there wasn't a lot of people since it was one o'clock and people already had their lunch. We had to wait for a couple and 2 people to finish taking their order before it was our turn. Japan, of course, asked if they had the weird combo and to my surprise, the lady that was taking our menu, nodded her head and asked Japan if she wanted them and she said yes. While the lady was making it, Japan turned her head to me and stook out her tongue. I, her closest friend, found that to her declaring war, so I stook out mine as well and she dared to give me stink eyes and did it again. Sadly, I couldn't get my revenge because of the lady asking what I wanted.

When we were at the cash register, me and Japan had a talk.

-We will continue with this battle later. I declared and she scoffed.

-Oh, no need. We all know that I won! She exclaimed and turned around and fling her hair that was in a ponytail but it only hit my chest. Dang it!

-There we go! Would you like some drinks? The lady asked and typed on the register.

-Yes please! Two cokes. Japan said and I looked at her. What? You're paying, better take advantage of it, am I right?

-Is that all?


-Alright, the total will be 10 dollars and 20 cents.

-Here you go, 20 bucks, keep the change. I said and handed the money to her and she thanked me and gave me the stuff in a back.

Me and Japan exited and both walked to the fountain that I talked about. We were surprised there were people in the park having a picnic or kids playing with the fountain. We found a bench with a table and we both sat down and luckily it was under a tree so we had shade. Japan wanted to sit next to me and not across me so it would be easier to talk about her problems. I handed her sandwich to her and her drink and she said thanks.

-How are you feeling? I asked and started to unwrapped the sandwich.

-Honestly, not so good.

-I can bet. Let's start simple, how many exes did you had?

-Like I said, a bunch and I don't count because I started to date since kindergarten!

-Really?! I asked and she nodded and took a bite in her sandwich. Okay... Another question which might get personal...

-Go ahead.

-What happened to make you to not trust men?

I kind of regretted asking her that question because it made her go silent, longer than I would like. I wanted her to open up to me more so that if ever me and Japan were in a relationship together, I know how to treat her and not do anything wrong like her exes.

-Or, I can rephrase that into this, what did I do to make you trust me? More than any other men. What do you see in me? Because when we first met, you hang out with me when you had a history of not hanging out with the other men that worked there.

-I-I don't know. My mind was telling me, "yeah, his different", and "give him a chance, he's going to protect you". I guess my mind told me this because when we met, you didn't check me out like the others. So, I felt no more like an object but a person, a living person who has emotions and can't keep wearing a mask to keep making my "lover" happy!



-Who messed you up?

{Author's note}
No judging, but I wanted to share a flower crown that I made by myself!

{Author's note}No judging, but I wanted to share a flower crown that I made by myself!

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So, I guess mini face reveal?


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