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Like Hina told me, I arrived at exactly the time she told me to come and she was already there opening the gate for the people that will soon come. I caught up to her but I decided to be more comfortable with her.

-Boo! I shouted and grabbed her shoulders.

The reaction was a bit extra than I expected. She flinched but before I could react, she spun behind and punched my gut. I let her shoulders go and wrapped my arms around it and fell on my knees and cought. Hina stood there in fear in her eyes.

-Are you okay? She asked and kneeled down in front of me with worries.

-Y-Yeah, I'm fine...


-Don't worry about me. I really am fine.

She was a bit worried that I was lying so I grabbed my force and got up on my feet. I let go of my arms and hold out my hand to help her to get up. She grabbed my hand and I lift her up. She brushed off any access dust on her shorts that she might have got.

-Should we go inside? I asked and she nodded.

I pushed the gate that was now unlocked and hold it for Hina. She thanked me and we both started to walk towards the changing room. When we entered, there was a box on the small wooden table.

-Already? She asked herself out loud and dropped her small bag on the table.

I kept my distance while Hina was cutting open the box. When it was clear that I could come closer, I observed what was in it. There was a green polo shirt wrapped nicely in plastic and underneath it was a black shorts. In it, we also found a walkie-talkie, a belt and a piece of paper at thw bottom of it, it looked like a schedule. There was also a bag for me to place my clothes in it. Hina handed me the clothes and told me to wear them, I instantly obeyed.

When I placed my normal clothes in my bag and shoving it in the locker and locking it, I exit the changing room. Hina was already waiting for me and was ready a magazine that they had. I walked towards her and she lift her head.

-Are you ready? Hina asked and I shook my head and she frowned. Why?

-Which animals am I gonna take care off and which day do I have work?

-The schedule said that you would be taking care of all of the reptiles and helping out the workers who need a helping hand. And a bonus, you'll take care of Michael. The crocodile.

-Oh! Really?!

-You got excited real fast, but yeah.

-Oh hell yeah!


When I was done helping one of the workers with their animals, I decided it was time to feed Michael. I waved at the worker and started to walk. Someone stopped me by tapping my shoulder. I turned around and saw it was Abiona.

-Hey! She said and started to walk so I did as well.

-Hello there! I answered and I started to bring her towards Michael.

-I wanna talk to you about yesterday.

-With the man?

-Yeah, that disgusting man. I wanted to tell you why she started to cry suddenly.

-Oh, so go ahead. I'm listening.

She took some time and I had patience. She stopped her path and started to look on the floor. She was hesitating. While waiting for her, I was looking around. I found Hina and I was observing her walking with empty hands. She suddenly stopped and started to talk on the walkie-talkie and her eyes was saying worries. She nodded and started to run towards the feline cages. Emergency? I asked myself but left it at that.

After some silence and us walking towards Michael and feeding him, she finally opened her mouth.

-Hina started to cry because... She-

But, Abiona couldn't finish her phrase because a black panther cub ran pass us. We froze on the spot. I didn't know what to do, should I catch it?

-Guys! Can you help me catch it? Hina called out heavily breathing. She stopped running and placed her hands on her knees.

She was about to run again but I stopped her by placing my arm in front of her. She looked at me, wondering if I was sure but I gave her a nod, telling her that I was. She obeyed.

I faced the panther which was observing me from afar. I wiped with my bare hands on the bottom of my shoes to make sure that I wasn't about to slip. I had my eyes on the prize and when it started to move slowly, I sprinted, chasing him down. Because I was taller than Hina, the cub had to run faster to not get kidnap.

I eventually got close enough and I pounced on it. I made sure I had pinched the neck fur part and did a summersault to stop myself from crashing on the cement. I had both of my knees on the ground and my right hand on the cat's fur. I pulled him up and placed it's paws on my left forearm. I got up on my feet and I turned to them. Hina and another lady were running towards me with Hina having a smile on her face and the other lady had a worried face.

-Oh thank you... David! The lady thanked me and had to look at my tag name.

-Do you take care of the panthers? I asked and she nodded. So why did you ask Hina to catch him?

-Because somehow, the cats love her. Nyx over here wanted to play hide and seek with Hina. He escaped by the door when I wanted to lock it and I tripped. It was chasing Hina. She explained and Hina nodded to show me that she was telling the truth.

-Oh, alright.

When the lady left, I turned to Abiona and she was hesitating again. I wanted to know why she cried yesterday.

-I'll let Hina tell you when she's ready. Abiona said and walked away.

I wanted to stop her but Hina called me and she was leaning on the same rails from yesterday. With her hand, she called me to come closer to her.

-Hey, I just wanted to say thanks for capturing the cub. Sorry if I caused you too much trouble...

-It's fine. I don't really mind if you need help. I'm always here for you. I said and grabbed a bucket of meat. -Wanna watch me feed Michael?


She turned around and watched me throw some meat at the crocodile and watch him catch every single one in his mouth. I placed the bucket on the ground and took off my gloves and threw that into the dumpster that was next to me. I watch the crocodile going back into his pond of water. I hold back the feeling of wanting to jump from the railing and petting it.

-David? Hina's voice called me which made me flinch.

-Yeah? I asked with a heavy sigh.

-How can I repay you?

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