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-What? Ame asked breaking the tension between us all.

-And what the hell is that on your neck? Canada chirped in and pointed at my neck.

-Oh, I got that while punching China! It's no biggie.

-No biggie? No biggie?! Aus, you knocked out one of the most important country ever! Do you know how much of trouble we can get just for that?! What the hell did he do to make you so damn angry?

-Well, he wanted to touch Japan when she clearly didn't want it. I was saving someone from danger, they can't give me a bad punishment because I was saving someone!

-Their government is like Titanic, thinking it's doing great and no problem will happen, then boom! It sank. Canada explained in a very blunt voice while taking a sip of a hot drink.

-Well, what are they gonna do? I'm a country too, you know!

-Well... Ame started to protest. Your government is a bit overwhelming as well...


-Your people found out about your real parents and found out they were dead because of mom. And they pissed. They no like that the government no listen.

-... What language were you speaking in? NZ asked looking in confusion.

-The lazy language that I made up. But for real, you need to be careful with who you fight. Japan and China has a big tension between them, both of them used to be together but after the awful and abusive style that China made her go through, she finally found a way out. It's actually a big surprise when the two of you met and instantly became very close, like best friends. I don't know what you did, but that is amazing.

-... My body changed when I punched him. Thought I should tell you guys that.

-Changed? Like how? Canada asked getting intrigued.

-Umm, I felt like someone was in my body as well. At the same time. He was boosting my confidence and boldness to the max and it felt really weird.

-Did your skin changed as well?

-Yeah actually. Half of my body went red and on my face was a horizontal like that changed into black. Oh! There was also a ring in the middle of my face that glows, as that's what Japan told me.

-Me too, actually. Ame chirped in while looking at Canada with wide eyes.

-It happens when we are extremely mad of something or extremely happy. I first got it when Ukraine's father hurt her in front of me and I lost it. Gone crazy and my body changed physically and mentally.

-How did it look like? 

-Umm, it was weird because it was still the same as right now, but my red skin was darker. My eyes changed and it freaked Uki out for a long time because it stayed like that for a long time.

-Oh right! I remember you coming home differently and you looked really pissed. Opening the door brutally with a scar on your right arm. NZ said happily and Canada looked quite pissed while thinking that scene again.

-Don't remind me again. So what about you, Ame? When did you first experience it?

-Quite early actually. Meeting USSR for the first time and us having a hateful connection.

-And how did you look? NZ asked and came back with a drink in his hand and sitting on the couch next to me. 

-Oh my god I hated it! I could really remember it changing me. Making me even more racist then normal and wanting to kill him right there and then.

-OK? But more racist then normal? Canada asked making sure to what he just said.

-Oh come on, you guys know that I'm really racist.

-How did you looked like? Is it almost the same as yours?

-It's not the same as now. A blue cross with a white one under it and the background is red, in the cross is some stars. You will never talk about this! I hate it and it's evil.

-Yes sir. Both me and NZ said at the same time happily.

-OK guys, why don't we go to bed now? It's getting late and your going back to work. Canada said happily forgetting about the scene that he hates the most.

We all got up and we went into our own separate rooms. Me and NZ used to been in the same room but we needed more space so we got our own. I closed my room and saw Bolt sleeping on the bed with all the others sleeping as well. 

For some reason, I was more tired than usual. I lay on the bed and closed my eyes but as hard as I tried, I can't make my mind to calm down my mind to try and sleep. It kept thinking about just one thing and it makes my heart pound harder and faster than normal. I gripped on my blanket and I could feel my face being warm. My eyes were tired and were heavy but I could close it fully at all as my mind kept it open. I was getting angry thinking about Japan that I accidentally kicked Bolt which made him jump and bit my leg. I didn't feel anything but anger. Bolt came to his senses and let my leg go and had his ears down and was terrified of me. He whimpered, afraid about something at it was me. I turned to the mirror that was hanging on the wall next to me and fell from my bed with fear in my eyes. Bolt turned to me wondering if I was okay. I collected my courage and stopped my legs from shaking and got back up. I walked slowly to the mirror and that's when I noticed it was my reflection on the other side, but another person. I looked down to my arms to make sure and surely, I was blue, not black. I hold out my hand and continued to walk towards him and he had a smile on his face, eyes glowing white.

-Who are you?

{Author's note}

Okay, this is getting quite extraordinary, but hey, that's what makes my books special!  You can never tell what's going to happen in the next chapter!

And sorry for the delay!

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