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I ended up needing to send us to work. Ame was too lazy, NZ didn't really felt like driving and Canada was hanging out with Mexico. I was hesitant but Ame just fling his car key to me so I was forced and we both preferred a ride than taking the public transport, Japan having trust issues with men in the busses and train and me not liking crowded places.

-I guess I have to drive... I said and walking out of the house.

-I mean, if you really hate it, we can always use public transportation.

-It's fine, I have a license so it's better to use it.

I opened the door for Japan and she thanked me and I closed the door. I walked towards the drivers seat and I opened the door tiredly. I get in and sigh and closed the door. I gripped the steering wheel and took a deep breath.

-Are you sure that you don't want me to drive instead? Japan asked and I turned my head to the side and gave her a weird look.

-Oh please, you will be just like me. How long has it been since you drove somewhere?

-Like... 5 years ago? After I got my license, I stopped driving.

-Well for me, it's four years. So I'm better than you!

-Oh please!

We kept quiet and looked at each other. Japan started to giggled and we both laughed.

-We should be going right now if we don't want to be late. Japan said and I nodded.

I quickly took some courage and insert the key in the hole and turned it. The engine roared and I put it on drive. I fixed the mirrors and I started to push the gas.

I mostly kept my eyes on the road but whenever I could, like when the lights are red, my and Japan talked a bit. When we arrived, I told Japan to wait in the car. She didn't understand but listened anyway. I got out and grabbed my bag and closed my door. I went to hers and opened the door for her. She came out with a weirded look and giggled and her face got red.

-Did you tell me to stay just to open my door? She asked and I closed the door.

-Yup, it's my instinct because my father forced me to remember to do it. And I used to do it with Indonesia whenever my brothers needed to send me and Indo somewhere. I explained and we walked next to each other.

-There you two are! Abiona called out and came running to us. I thought that you guys forgot about work!

-Oh gosh, are we that late? Japan asked and got really worried.

-5 minutes, the boss isn't here yet. Get changed and go to your stations. No one is here yet just our preparations.

Abiona pushed us into the zoo and told us to hurry up. I went to the male locker room and Japan went to the female one. I just took off my shirt quickly and grabbed my shirt. I took out the belt with all the stuff that I needed and lock it around my hips. I zipped up my back and put it in the locker and put a lock on it.

Me and Japan got out at the same time which made the both of us laugh. Abiona wasn't into it since we were late and pressured us into looking at our new timetable.

-That's weird, I have more animals and reptiles than normal. I said after looking through it.

-That's normal. Abiona said and continued. People are quiting rapidly than normal...

-Oh no! Well, at least we still have you, right Abiona? Japan asked and chuckling a bit.

-Yeah... About that...

-No... Abiona, you're not going to quit, are you?!

-This was supposed to be a part-time job for my family, I had other plans for my life... I needed some extra cash so I got this. Wasn't expecting to be here until it became my full-time job. You understand, right?

Japan was stunned. She couldn't speak nor breath. She was a statue. No air came out or exit her mouth or nose.

-When is your last day? I asked after some time.

-Tomorrow... But, Hina, you understand right? I've work here for 12 years and I had never had a bad day,

-Then why are you stopping?

-Because I found a job that is paid better. Hina, I'm not going to stick around here especially if I'm getting paid even more.

-Where are you going to work now?

-I've always wanted tl be a lawyer and I went to university for that, and I've finally got it. But we can still be friends! Of course, you're going to be with David more than me but that's normal!

-Well, we understand. And it's for your family and future life, so go for it! I encourage her and she smiled and gave me a hug.

-Thanks... She whispered to me ear and I nodded.

I felt a sharp chill running down my spine so I looked over to Japan and she was eyeing me but looked back down.

-Hey, maybe you should go and hug Hina, she really needs it right now. I whispered back and Abiona nodded and pulled away.

She turned to Japan and had open arms for her. It took some time before Japan went into her arms and both of them hugged tightly. I could tell by how Abiona cought for air. These two saw some stuff together and are like siblings to each other so I understand a bit the pain between both of them.

-Say, why don't we all have lunch together? Abiona suggested but me and Japan looked at each other in an alarming state.

-Umm, me and David are having lunch together already... Japan said with a hint of regret in her voice.

-What?! You guys are already dating?!

-What! No! Having lunch as friends! We've got a lot of catching up to do, you know, because David being in the hospital and all. Japan explained and turned to me and gave me a smile, so I returned it.

-Are you sure? Because the looks of it, you two are like a couple. A cute one too!

-Abiona! We're not dating!

{Author's note}
I'm having a crisis right now and my parents can't find out.

I don't know if I'm bisexual or pansexual. Because I have a crush on girls and boys but since I'm a minor (under 18), there aren't any non-binaries or other genders other than girls or boys!!! And I don't know if I'm Ace or Demisexual!!!

As you can see, I'm crying inside

( • ‿ • )

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