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When Canada opened the door, all of us were stunned, well, mostly me. Japan waved at all of us in a light jacket and had a small smile. She was in her human form.

-Hey there Japan, what'cha doing here? Ame asked and looked at Japan happily.

-Hi America. I was looking for Aussie.

-That's me. I said and raised my hand.

Japan just had a small smile on her face so I knew something was wrong. I lowered my arm down while Japan walked towards me. I was quite uncomfortable with her seeing me in my sleeping clothes, but she seemed like she didn't mind. She grabbed my wrist and forced me to follow her.

-Wait Japan, I'm in my sleeping clothes.

-I don't care, you need to see this.

She turned around and touched my bracelet and made my physical form turn to a human one. When I was done, I grabbed my jacket and whistled for Bolt and he came down the stairs in a blink of an eye. 

-I'll be borrowing him for a while. Japan said to my brothers as she drags me out of the house.

I closed the door and wore my jacket and Japan was speed walking to her house so I ran to catch up to her. I walked next to her and looked at her face and she looked scared. I hold her back with her shoulder and she turned around, about to kill me if I don't let her go in this instance. 

-Let go. She ordered, as cold as when China threatened me.

-Not until you tell me what's wrong. I asked and pulled her closer to me.

-I-I don't know how to explain. I just have to show you because I'm scared right now, Aussie! Just, please follow me!

Me and Japan had a little eye staring contest before I gave in. I followed her when she started to walk and holding my hand.

We ended it by running to her house and she kept near me and holding my wrist. When we arrived, I was quite sad that we stopped running together. Her hands started to shake looking for her keys, so I hold her free hand to  make sure that if she ever faints, I can catch her. She did eventually found it and hesitated to open the door.

-Well, what are you waiting for? I asked and she looked down on my hand.

My face turned harsh red but because I changed, it doesn't really hide it as well as I hoped. I pulled my hand away from hers and looked away. She finally opened the door and I wasn't expecting it at all. I accidentally puked on the side of the porch.

-Are you okay? Japan asked and rubbed my back to comfort me.

-I'm fine. I said and rubbed off the extra stuff that was on my under lip with my sleeves. W-Why... Who killed him?

-Bets on China. She said as she went into the room and grabbed the sword that was standing on the floor.

I entered in myself after some convince from myself and Japan. I looked around and there was blood on the wall and floor. I saw Japan sitting on the floor wiping the long knife with a tissue. I looked down on the floor and saw a body.

-It's that your brother? I asked and she nodded.

I walked to her and squatted down in front of her with a small smile. She looked at me and gave a happy sigh. I lost it instantly when she looked back down on the knife.

-I'm sorry, this is all my fault. If I didn't fight him, this wouldn't happen. 

-No! Oh don't blame yourself Aussie! I kinda force you to save me from him. I should've saved myself.

-Oh come on, you and him got a bad relationship so you got stunned. 

She got sad and lowered the sword and look at me and had a small smile. But she gave me a tired sigh later on. She crawled closer to me and placed the sword down on the ground and examined my face. 


-Why what? I asked and she looked concerned. 

-Why when something happens, I always run to you? Why is it never someone else? I just met you! She whined and got up.

I got up as well and we stood in front of each other. I didn't know what to do and say. 

-I-I'm sorry? 

-Ugh, why am I mad at you? You've done nothing wrong! Plus, your in your sleeping clothes! 

We looked at each other again and we both snickered. We were both still tired about yesterday so it's not a big surprise if we started to fight about something stupid, it wasn't her fault, neither mine, we were just tired. But what can we do? It's fate who always bring us together. Sure, fate took it's time, but that wasn't something you can change. I wish it came earlier, but I'm sure there is a reason to all of this.

-Well, what are we going to do about all of this? I asked her after a long silence between us and she shrugged.

-I can deal with my brother. He can be with me in my body.

She walked to him and bend down and touch his forehead. He slowly faded towards her. She stood next to where the body was and was thinking about something. She then walked back and grabbed the long sword and hanged it on the wall.

-I guess I have to make a shrine for you, 兄弟. She said and watched the sword.



-What time of sword is that? I've saw it on some Japanese painting, is it something Japanese?

-It is, it's called a katana. It's my brother's. It was passed through generations after generations and it ended up on my brother.

-Now, it's yours?

-No... I'm a girl so it's not meant for me. If I ever have a kid which is a boy, it's his. But I was shown how to use it incase I need to teach my kid or defend myself. But my brother didn't like the idea of me not getting use to holding one so every day, I learn some very powerful moves to defend me. He even gave me the book since he memorized everything there is to know and even to not know. I was surprised when my brother told me all of this because look at it! It looks new, right?

-Yeah, that's amazing.

-I always keep it nice and sharp. Well, let's go back to your house. I'll let you change. 

She walked towards the exit and she waited outside. I followed her but I took one last time before closing the door.

Animals (Ausjap countryhumans)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora