|92| ~ The Art of War~

Start from the beginning

A wise woman once told me that character is revealed once pressure is applied and that's exactly what I'm banking on. Character.

I miss her, even though I know personally that she wouldn't approve of my current choices at the moment. In fact, she would be livid that I'm using her brilliant mind to slaughter millions.

I guess I'll be punished for my misbehavior when we met again in the next life. I pray.

Either way, according to my late Aunt theory, the Alpha's being under this much pressure shall result in one or another thing.

Outcome one: The Alpha's will be too worried about saving their own and turn their backs on the dogs who can't save themselves, which would cause extreme chaos in their communities. Wolves will turn on wolves, eventually, they will begin to fight one another instead of working together.

Outcome two: The Alpha will rescue their fellow mutts without the means to protect, provide, or shelter them, or their packmates. This shall also cause confusion amongst the communities. In fact, it will destroy them.

When it is all said in done the four packs of Americas will fold. All four of them will lose so many members and won't have any choice but to become one pack and that's when the fun shall really begin because I'm all but certain that the mutt Mecca will be their leader and that's when the grand finale shall begin.

You see, Mecca is smart but we are smarter.

According to her recent defense tactics, it is obvious that her pack of mutts has no structure when it comes to war and I say that for many reasons!

First thing first, there is an art behind the war and Mecca has proven to be undereducated in the craft. Yes! One major fundamental behind war is to be treacherous bloody, you should do any and everything in your power to win no matter that cost but, and yes there is a but! If you want to come out the victor you have to place structure behind structure! Now, I'' give it to the dirty dog, she has skill. Her anger and hatred towards us King has become her gift and her curse.

Seneca pointed out that she allows her emotions to cloud her better judgment and that's a weakness that we plan to use to our full advantage. Every skillful warlord knows that you must evaluate your enemy's strengths and weaknesses, if your enemy has too many strengths and many advantages you should avoid conflict at all costs.

So far, Mecca has always done the complete opposite. She has a death wish. She has allowed her forces to attack, regardless of the circumstances and that's exactly why every battle that she has previously fought against one of our armies has cost her so many numbers.

Her hatred shall be her downfall. There is nothing poetic about fighting a losing battle! There are no points to prove in war. There is only one objective and one objective only, which is to win and that's what the mutt Mecca doesn't understand.

Now, I must admit that she has two advantages, she has learned all there is to know about her enemy. Thank's to the fact that she has served a life sentence. Ha! Ha! Ha, but no seriously.

Apparently, her time in the dungeon served her well. Plus, in the eyes of the dogs, she is a righteous and virtuous leader, a gift restored back to them from the doggy heaven. That point alone will make them follow Mecca to her guaranteed death, but none of her strengths matter because she doesn't understand how to use her power to her advantage.

  Mecca doesn't understand when to fight and when not to. She doesn't understand how to strategize, nor does she know anything about preparation and that's why she continues to fail horribly, just look at her numbers they are dropping by the second, as they should.

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