The girl was originally pinning a poster on the notice board while standing on a stepping stool before she lost her balance and fell off right into Yana's arms. "S-sorry" Her face turned red with embarrassment.

"Are you alright?" Yana asked, concerned as she still carried the girl princess style.

The girl nodded and looked up into Yana's eyes. They were bewitching. She felt like she was falling into a pool of deep honey. There was a gentle kindness hidden in those beautiful gold colored eyes, a promised reassurance that put her at ease. The girl's eyes eventually drifted away from Yana's and focused on her lips. WOAH Hold up! Stop. I'm Oikawa's fangirl! But this guy saved me, how dreamy. Has my spring love come? "I-I'm Ichika from the literature and drama club." She squeaked as she righted herself back up, her black hair a frizzy mess. "Thank you for catching me! Sorry for the trouble!"

"No, no. Not at all. I'm just glad you aren't hurt. Are you doing ok or would you like me to escort you to the nurse? It's dangerous to walk around if you feel unwell." Yana made sure Ichika was steady before she let her stand on her on.

Oh, be still my beating heart! Is this love? Love at first sight with my prince? Ichika swooned internally; she had trouble looking her savior in the face or looking at all really. Instead Ichika closed her eyes and bowed slightly as thanks. "I'm perfectly healthy, t-thank you! Bye!" Ichika quickly ran off down the hallway her face dusted in pink. My horoscope said that I would meet my true love today. Could it be him?


It took a few seconds before Rini started cackling. "Oh my god! Did you see the way she looked at you?!"

"You were such a dreamboat, saving her like that" Aiko reenacted an over-exaggerated scene with Rini as the pair laughed together. "Are we seeing the start of Yana's diehard fan?"

If she was being honest, Yana would very much prefer to not have a fan club. Kenma and Kuroo had once poked fun at her when they found out about her fan club back in Tokyo, who knows what they would do if they knew she had a fan out here. Yana raised an eyebrow. "I just did what anyone would have, she was falling, and I caught her" She said in a matter-of-fact tone. "I was genuinely concerned; I'll have you know."

Once Aiko and Rini had calmed down, the trio went to pick up their lunch. "Can we eat outside today? There is this really pretty place I didn't know the school had until yesterday."

Aiko looked at Yana for confirmation before he answered Rini "Sure, lead the way."

The pair followed as Rini led them out. It was on the edge of the campus which would explain why no one went out of their way to eat there, despite how nice it looked. There was a little breeze that made the leaves rustle and kept the air cool enough so the trio could sit in the shade of the tree. Yana and Aiko were perfectly content with letting Rini steer the conversation into whichever way she so desired. By the end of lunch, they had covered at least several different topics. All of which had no connection to the other. Yana was just thankful the topic of the senior project or partner never came up again.

Yana's phone pinged a couple of times. Even without looking she knew who it probably was.

Unknown number: <3 it's me

Unknown number: ;9

Yana: Trashykawa?

Unknown number: Iwa-chan already exposed me!?

Yana: A long time ago. Like, from day one.

Unknown number: </3

Yana added Oikawa to her phone contacts under the name 'Trashykawa' it seemed to be the most reoccurring name that Hajime liked to call him.

Trashykawa: Club practice ends early today so do you wanna go somewhere to get started on the project?

Yana was taken aback, without warning the tone of his text messages shifted from childish to a student his age. He seemed like the kind of guy who would slack off till the last minute, she had already resigned herself to do it all alone, so this was a nice surprise. She had to give him some points for that.

Yana: Sure, where though?

Trashykawa: library?

Yana: sure.

Trashykawa: see you later ;9

Yana shoved her phone back in her pocket. She highly doubted they would find anything about their topic in the library, but who knows. Maybe there would be something useful. At least that's what she hoped.


"Ya~hoo" Oikawa chirped, with a smile on his face. He was very excited for the project. The library was filled with muted chatter, there were people inside moving from one place to the next, each action was smooth and far from intrusive. It was a practiced motion. The pair chose a more secluded table and pulled out some books, with each turn of the page Yana lost more and more hope.

"Do we have to do this topic?" She whimpered. Gathering any kind of information and supporting proof would be a huge pain in the ass. Why couldn't he have chosen something normal?

"No can do" Oikawa looked up from his book triumphantly. A childish mirth danced in his eyes. "By the end of the year, we will have convinced everyone in the class that aliens are real!"

The librarian gave the two a harsh look which caused Oikawa to quickly apologize to the lady. He sat back down and pointed at the book in Yana's hands. "Books like these will help solve all our problems.

Yana wanted to cry. Their project, that a huge portion of their senior grade relied on, was debating if aliens were real or not. She wasn't even sure if Oikawa really believed that aliens were real or if he was just curious, she was too nervous to ask lest she discover more things about him that she would prefer not to. She didn't want to 'get to know him', she would rather not have anything to do with him outside of the project, unfortunately Oikawa was Hajime's best friend. From what she had heard, the pair were a package deal. You can't have one without the other.

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