The Fourth Prince suddenly felt very exhausted and beaten. He lowered his head and silently awaited his fate. Like him, the Fifth Prince and the Sixth Prince were also resigned to their fate. However, when the Dragon Scale Guards swarmed the Fourth Prince and took him away without doing a thing to them, the surprise in their hearts was indescribable. The officials they enlisted were also dumbfounded, and stood rooted to the ground.

The person that really crossed the line was the Fourth Prince. Although the two princes and their henchmen were deserving to be punished by death, it would affect the throne of the country if they were all killed. However, if their lives were spared, it would serve to deter the ministers, purge the court and stabilize the hearts of people. From then on, for decades to come, no one would dare to make any other moves.

The Emperor did not explain any of this. He merely waved his hand to have the Fourth Prince and his followers taken away. When he spoke again, he was already very weary, "I*[2] am tired and need to rest. From today onwards, the Crown Prince will oversee the country for the time being. No matter how big or small the matter is, you can report it to the Crown Prince without consulting me. The court is dismissed. Stay behind, beloved subject Yu."

The officials who were fortunate enough to escape with their lives hastened to kneel and salute-'long live the Emperor'

[Hall of Nurtured Heart] - Emperor Cheng Kang's desk was covered with many documents. All of which were evidence of the Fourth Prince's crimes, and the list of those involved laid in a thick pile. He was only in his early twenties this year, but he had started to scheme for what happened today as early as fourteen years old, and had roped in countless people, both in the open and secretly. If he hadn't secretly kept watch on him for several months and uncovered all of the explicit and implicit enlistment, he would remain as a huge hidden danger even if he was disposed of.

Emperor Cheng Kang tossed the document away and let out a long sigh. This son is a pity. If he used his talents the right way, he would have been a wise minister of his generation; if he did not betray the interests of the country for his own personal desires, his life might be still intact.

After sighing, he looked towards the composed Crown Prince and his trusted general, who stood in with his back erect. Emperor Cheng Kang's depressed mood improved a little and he smiled, "Yi Feng, you should have taken some time to rest since you have just returned from the Western Frontier. However, as the court is in turmoil and everyone is on pins and needles, you are the only person I* and the Crown Prince can rely on. When the dust is settled, I* will reward you handsomely."

Yu Pin Yan half-kneeled and cupped his hands, "Replying to Your Majesty, can this subject exchange my battle merits and rewards for an imperial decree from you?"

"What decree?" Emperor Cheng Kang raised his eyebrows. This was the first time Yu Pin Yan had ever besought him.

"The imperial decree to grant my marriage."

"Oh? Which girl have you taken a fancy to?" Emperor Cheng Kang leaned forward slightly. His murky eyes radiating with interest. Even the experienced and knowledgeable Crown Prince could not help but be surprised. Yu Pin Yan was not fond of women, let alone men. It was very widely rumoured by everyone in the capital that he was a cold-blooded and heartless monster.

But no one expected that a monster could also fall in love, and he even sought for an imperial decree in a prudent and solemn manner.

A glimpse of gentleness could be seen in Yu Pin Yan's eyes as he said firmly, "I beg Your Majesty to grant marriage between Xiang'er and me."

The document in the Crown Prince's hand fell to the ground with a clatter.

Emperor Cheng Kang was dumbfounded, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses. Instead of feeling that it was ridiculous, he laughed heartily. "No wonder that girl was willing to brave the Western Frontier to look for you. It turns out that you two have already fallen deeply in love."

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