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"Can I drive?" I ask pulling the puppy dog eyes

"No" Nik coldly says

"Why not??" I pout

"Nik doesn't let anyone drive his car" Luca rolls his eyes

"But i wanna drive, please Nik" I pull my upper lip into a deeper pout

"Don't try it" he scoffs

I turn towards Michael "Can i drive your car then?"

Michael raises his eyebrows "Yeah no"

"Why not" I throw my arms up "I'm an amazing driver"

"Yeah right" Nik and Luca scoff

I roll my eyes "Brats" I mutter

"Heard that" Nik flicks my head. I swat him back and stick my tongue out

"What good is having 3 more brothers if they don't let me drive their car" I mutter a bit louder, smirking when i see Nik look at me from the corner of my eye.

Myself, the boys and our parents reach the cars.

"Nik, Luca and Lexi your in one car" Dad points

"Here" i turn just in time to catch the keys Nik throws my way

My eyes widen as i realise "Wait, your letting me drive your car" I squeal

"You get a single scratch on it and see what happens"

"Don't threaten your sister. She's got me standing right beside her lets see what you do" Mum backs me up making us all chuckle

I rush to the driver side and slide in as Luca shuts my door

"Drive carefully" Nik mumbles

"You better not be complaining the whole way there" I roll my eyes

"Favourtism. Nicky boy you've never let me drive your car" Luca fake sniffs

"I did. You crashed it" Nik bluntly responds. My eyes widen as i look between them both

"Touche" Luca mutters

I shake my head and start the car. This is going to be fun.

"You are NEVER driving my car again!" Nik growls slapping the car door shut

"Don't be grumpy Nik" I snort

"You were speeding!"

"Your in the flipping Mafia and your concerned about my speeding?" I chuckle

"Something could of happened to you" He scolds

"And the car" Luca adds

"Who cares about the car" I smirk but surrender when i see the glare from Nik " Kidding"

"Lexi Russo" A stern voice says from behind. I look between Nik and Luca who just have smug grins plasteered on their faces. I gulp and turn around

There standing is my beautiful mum, arms crossed with a stern look. Next to her is the lovely father, with a frown but amusment in his eyes and lastly Micky who as usual has a blank look on his face

"Uh Hi?" I wave awkwardly

"Don't hi me young lady!" She scolds

I look back at Nik whos smirking. I roll my eyes and turn towards her again


"Why didn't you tell me?" She scolds. Okay, now i'm confused.

"Tell you what?" I ask

"That your a race car driver duh!" She squeals. I laugh as she pulls me for a hug but quickly pulls out "That wasn't safe. But you looked bad ass doing that"

"Thanks" I laugh

"Women" Luca mutters

"Let's go" Michael leads the way to the dessert place

"Remind me why we didn't just order in" Nik asks annoyed

"Because we want to eat in the shop" I smirk

"Already started ordering us about Papa" Michael snorts

"That's more then fine" he pulls me for a hug "She gets whatever she wants"

I smile and squeeze his arm but within seconds I'm pushed to the ground.

"Fuck. Mum get Lexi and get out of here" Michael roars

I ignore Michael as I look around. All I can hear is buzzing. Gun shots. I quickly scan everyone to see if anyone's hurt.

"Lexi let's go" Mum tries pulling me, I look into her eyes and see concern all over it

"Is anyone hurt?" I whisper slowly getting up but scream when I hear another gunshot

"No. Darling we need to go" she commands

"Lexi go. Now please" Dad pushes me slowly and kisses my head

I follow mum as we try moving to the side of the building crouching low.

"Where too?" I ask a bit too calmly

"We'll go the back way, there's a car park for staff we can take one of the cars and leave"

"But what about everyone else?"

"Lexi" she pulls me close giving me a hug now we're out back.

"The guys are more then capable of handling themselves. Am I worried? Yes always. But they know what they're doing. And right now if we aren't safe they'll be distracted. And if they're distracted they're at risk."

I nod quickly and keep moving towards the car she's moving too.

"Here I'll do it" I say

She raises an eyebrow at me "How do you know how to?"

I quickly shake my head "Seen it in movies" I put my hands up

"Damn right you-" I stare confused at her wondering why she stopped.

My eyes scan her face, looking at her widened eyes.

"What's going on? Are you okay." I panic

"Lexi." She croaks looking down

I follow her eyes and start choaking back tears as she falls down
I quickly catch her and cup her face

"N-no nothings going to happen to you, you hear me. I just got you. What what do I, wait I put pressure dont i" I panic

"Lexi" she croaks cupping my face "I love you"

And with that she slowly closes her eyes

"MAMA" I scream sobbing harshly.

Ooooooooh what now??? Do you think Mama Russo will live another day???

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