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As soon as Mum and Lexi are out of sight I turn back to the scenes

"It's the fucking Canadians" Nik growls

"Jace isn't here. He's just sent his minions" Papa harshly states

"Get the blond one and the red head. Everyone else dies" I order

"Yes capo" A couple of my men who were nearby and joined the shoot out reply

I load my gun and shoot a guy hiding behind the tree.

"Nik behind you" I hear Luca shout

I quickly shoot the three on the left side of Papa before grabbing the blonde one. Before I can do anything I hear a gut wrenching scream.

I freeze as I hear Lexi shout Mama.

"Laura" I hear Papa whispers

I look towards the blonde and hit him with the back of my gun. "Charles. Take him."

I follow Papa and my brothers to where we saw Mama lead Lexi.

I run towards mum when I see what's happened.

"Fuck" Luca shouts "Mum"

"Lexi" I pull her towards me but she doesn't budge "N-no I'm putting pressure on the wound. Micky I don't know what to do"

"Darling, open your eyes" papa cries getting up and holding Mama bridal way.

"I'll drive" Nik quickly gets up taking mum and dad.

"Lexi come on" I softly say.

"I'll get the car" Luca mutters

"I should never have said to come here, this is my fault" she cries

"Hey no none of that" I calmly say. But inside I'm a thing but calm.

"It is though Michael! I- I know the world I now live in is dangerous. I know your in danger all the time and I- I, I insisted we-"

I shut her up by placing a hand on her mouth.
"Lexi. Shut up. This is not your fault don't you dare think otherwise. Our life's are in danger all the fucking time whether we came out today or another day they'd come after us do you understand. We can't just stop living because some bastards decide to fuck with us" I let out harshly

She nods quickly ca, letting a tear slide out.

"Lexi baby" I softly say wiping the tear away "it's okay" I pull her in for a hug and kiss the back of her head.

"I don't want to loose her. Not when I just got her." She sobs

"We won't loose her. She's a fighter" I say fiercely, I get up dragging Lexi up with me

"Come on. Let's go to the hopsital" and just in time Luca comes with the car.

I open Lexi's door and shut it behind her. I get into the passenger seat and nod at Luca to drive.

I get out my phone and dial the number I need

"Lucinda. Mama has just been taken to the hospital. I want you waiting out front for her. " I say jaw clenched.

"Si Capo. I'm already out and waiting- oh they've just come in. I'll see you here Capo." And cuts the call

"Hurry up" I command

"Laurence called. He's got the blonde and the redhead. They're being held In the dungeon, waiting on your call" Luca speaks up after a while.

"Good" I gruffly reply "Once we get news on mum I'll go meet the fuckers

"You guys seriously have a dungeon" Lexi chuckles. I look at her through the corner of my eyes and even then I can see the worry on her face

I try to ease her up by laughing "Si. Worse then the movies" I turn to her as she rolls her eyes

"So those guys who starred shooting at us. Who were they?" She hesitantly asks

I face the front again as I utter out the reply

"Fuckers who'll beg for mercy by the time I'm done with them"

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