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I watch as Lexi interacts with everyone

"Shit. I just realised your my brothers!" She laughs

"What a idiot" Michael mutters

"Hey" she pout " Not even been 5 minutes since it's been revealed we're family and your already calling me names"

"Say that again" Mum whispers

I give her a small smile as she whisper " We're family"

Michael and Luca go into the hug

"Nik, don't tell me your gonna be cold with me"

I roll my eyes "Just admiring the scenery Lex"

"Well don't. Come and join Dominic" Mum demands

I laugh and salute, joining in the hug.

We stay there for a while before Luca ruins it


"What" he shrugs

We all make our way to the sofas

"I know it's a lot. We basically thee Eve ty thing at you, how are you feeling?" Mama asks " I hope now the secrets out you won't be running away from us"

Lexi sighs " I'm okay, shocked really It was so unexpected, I-I guess. Wait." she quickly stands up "isn't Jason or Lucy gonna be worried. How long have I been here?"

"Lexi stop panicking" Michael takes a seat opposite her

"I called Jason, told him we were in town and saw you so took you to ours"

"Oh" she sighs

"You've got 4 brothers now" Laura laughs

"I don't know whether to be happy or be concerned"

"Rude" Luca scoffs

"Kidding" Lexi laughs

"Does this change your thoughts about wanting space?" Papa asks

Lexi hesitates

"I don't know"

"What?!" Nik growls "we've just told you your our blood. And you don't know if you want space."

"I-I don't know if I can move on from you killing people. But, that doesn't mean I don't want to get to know you on a more personal level"

"Baby, I know us being in the Mafia doesn't sit well with you" Laura grabs my hands "But theres different sides to us alright, yes the Mafia is part of our lives but we don't let it overwhelm us. There's more to us then rhat"

"Absolutely Amore" Roberto says "We are more to that,  we won't talk about the mafia in front of you. And I think i have an idea to get you more comfortable but also know us on a more personal level."

Dads got everyones interest.

"You should have a few hours with us all, one to one. Get to know everyone, it may put your mind to ease."

I look towards Lexi, she's considering it.

She nods and everyone releases a breath.

"Okay, but from tomorrow"

"No problem, Laura you go first. Everyone will have half a day. Lets work out a schedule cause one of us has to go back"

"Okay so" Michael gets up " Mum has tommorow and dad has tomorrow afternoon and Dominc has the morning after  and Luca will have the afternoon. and I'll be last"

"Then the afternoon on  Michaels day  we can have a nice family dinner"

"Sounds good"

"Lexi, whats wrong?" I ask when i notice shes gone quiet.

"Huh, nothing" she smiles

"Lexi" Mum warns

"Nothing i promise. I just want to enjoy the next few days with you guys. But i do need to talk to Jason."

I know Jasons her brother and all, and i hate it. I'm glad she has a good family when we werent there but i cant help feeling jealous.

"That's fine darling. Go talk to him. We'll see you tommorow"

"Wait, won't you stay for dinner" Luca asks

"Let her go home. She's had a lot of information given to her today."

"Thanks" Lexi gets up

"Hey, don't worry yeah, get a good night sleep" Micahel hugs Lexi

"Awww. My boys have become softies i tell you Roberto" Mum gushes

"Mum" Michael moans


Just like that, one by one we all hug her and it was like the issue with us being in the Mafia was never there."

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