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"Are you sure you want to take her to Italy?" Mama asks worried

"She'll love it Mama. I already spoke to Jason, he's happy with it, his wifes already packed her a bag. It'll be great"

"If your sure"

"Mama" I give her a hug. "Itll all be fine I promise you"

"Si son, I want nothing more"

I check my watch "I'm meeting Lexi at the jet, I'll leave now, I'll see you all later in Italy"

I make my way to my Lamborghini and watch as the guards get into their cars following me

Not even 30 minutes later I'm at the Jet

"Any reason why I'm here at 8am?"
I take the last step and Smile at Lexi

"Ciao Lexi"

"Ciao" she replies as I hug her and take a seat

"Ready to fly?"

"Yepp" she nods "where are we going?"

I smirk and lean back "wouldn't you like to know"

My smirk widens when I see her groan "Come on Michael" she whines

I roll my eyes " back home"

"Italy?" Shes shocked

"Yeah is that okay?"

"I-I guess so."

"Lexi?" I ask concerned

"I'm fine" she sighs "it's just your mu- well our Mum told me that we all lived in Italy and then when I was taken nobody could bare being there and chose to relocate to London"

I sigh "that is true. But your back now. I want to show you our house. Where you should of been. It's just us. No other family will be there, like cousins aunts etc  not until you feel you can see them"

I watch as she hesitates but slowly nods "Okay. I want to see"

A huge smile breaks out on my face

"You'll love it sorella"

"So where in Italy are we from?"

"Milan" I respond

She nods. I decide to ask the next question.

"Do you know or understand Italian?"

"Non vorresti saperlo" She smirks
Wouldn't you like to know

I raise an eyebrow and nod "Your good"

She laughs and nods " i know"

I shake my head and snort

"Michael" she hesititaes

She's got all my attention now "What's wrong?"

"Nothing i just-" she sighs "Could you tell me stories of when i was still with you guys. "

The way she said that made my heart skip a beat

"Yeah sure. Okay so You were a real cuddly bear. You woke up before everyone else. Then you'd go into into our rooms to wake us, always doing silly things like jumping on us or even blocking our noses!"

We both laugh at that for a moment before I continue" You'd always go to Nik last cause he would cuddle you and not let you go"

"Whoa what" saying she looks shocked is it understatement.

"He's not as cold as he seems."

"No that's not why I was shocked I just didn't take him for a kinda guy who likes cuddles"

"Oh he does" I laugh. And the whole way there I tell her stories of her childhood.

Once we reached the mansion I saw Lexi hold her head.

"What is it?" I ask concerned

"I.. it's like I know this place, I mean I know I do obviously because you told me but when I close my eyes it's like I know it because I've got a connection to it"

I smile sadly "you do, I'm no doctor but I assume it's Because your brain remembers this place, it's trying to figure out the details"

She takes in whar I said and looks around before turning to me and nodding slightly. "Well then, lead the way." She bows

I laugh at her antics and nod "of course my queen" I say in posh accent

"You know, for a mob boss you sure are a clown" she laughs

"Only for you sorella" I smile. A genuine smile. 

"Come on now. I'll give you a tour. Theres no maid or workers. Just secuity. I wanted us to cook dinner"

I stop walking when i hear cackling "Sorry bro but i can't cook for shit"

"Language" I say sternly, trying to fight a smile

She rolls her eyes "First,  say that without a smile and second, i'm 19" 

"Your still my little sister. Don't swear" I reply 

"Yes boss" She smiles 

I take her around the mansion and feel pride blooming through my chest as i see shes impressed.

"Papa designed this house from scratch. It was his wedding present to mum" I softly say as i watch Lexi look at the sights from the balcony.

"Thats so cute" she gushes

"Women" I mumble

"Hey" She whacks my arm laughing 

I pull her arm making her face me. She looks in confusion 

"If you were scared of me you wouldn't of hit me" I softly speak

Her eyes widen and she opens her mouth to speak but before she can i beat her to it and put up my hand "Don't. None of us would hurt you. Neither would we let you get hurt. We love you. "

I watch her fight a smile as she leans back "Spending time with you all made me realise i don't care about the mafia. At the end of the day your all still human. You didn't choose this life. I was scared i'll admit. But i want this. I want you all in my life." 

I feel the tear leaving my eye. At this rate i don't even care

"Welcome home Sorella" i whisper before pulling her into a hug

Alexa Russo.Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα