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"Light em up" I take a smoke and watch the boys set the Canadians drugs on fire"

"We leaving a signature?" Dominic asks

I shake my head "They'll know it's us, but we do it without them knowing, without them knowing we knew it's them, it'll scare them. They won't know what to expect"

"Ah so when you sent Klio to the other warehouse-"

"It's their main house. When they get the call there's been a fire here and leave to come here, Klio will sneak in and set fire to their place" I smirk

Dominic gives a small grin "Loosing your touch brother, why don't you want to just kill them?"

"Because baby brother, killing them straight away won't get our stuff back. They're gonna wish they hadn't messed with us little bastards" I chuckle

"Let's go."

We make our way towards the Jet.

" We'll get to Scotland about 2am. Go to sleep." I say walking into a bedroom.

I freshen up before jumping into bed. My thoughts go to Lexi. Lexi Lexi Lexi
My little sister.

Lexis the only girl, our family is small but full of guys. It's nice but you do miss that little girly touch.

When she was taken, kidnapped it tore our family apart. Now we have her back she's still so far. But it's not safe yet. We need her to trust us before we tell her about us being family

And the Mafia. If it were up to me we'd keep it a secret. She didn't grow up in this lifestyle. I want to keep her out of it. But Mama. Our mama is too good for this word.

She doesn't want Lexi to find out somewhere else and feel betrayed. She wants to treat her children equal. Lexi might not have been with us for years but she deserves to know the secret.

I sigh and try closing my eyes. I need a little nap. And before I know it I'm being shaken awake

"Dude. Piss off" I whack Dominic away.
"We land in 5. Get up"

"K" I roll over and get up heading to the bathroom. Quickly putting on some clothes I head towards the seats
"Spoke to Dad. Let him know we're on our way."
I nod and yawn

It's nearly 3 when we finally get to the hotel. We get into the lifts and as always stand wide awake.

"Mama. Why you awake?" I ask as I open the door and see him sitting in the kitchen

"Figlio have I ever gone to sleep not knowing if my sons are home.

"Mama we told papa we were on way home, it's late you should have gone to bed" Dominic kisses her forehead before saying night and walking away.

"Mama, you okay?" I ask



She sighs "I'm fine. Just worrying about Lexi. "

I take a seat and wait for her to continue

"What if the Canadian Mafia keep coming at us, what if she gets hurt. She's not used to violance"

"Mama. I promise you I will protect her with my life. I won't let anything happen to her, I've got men looking out for her too" I hold her hand "She'll be safe, she's the safest with us"

"Si son. I hope so"

"Come on, let's go to bed"

I kiss mama goodnight and head off to my room. I hit sleep as soon as I hit the pillow.

Feels like Déjà vu, someone waking me up again. Shaking more like.

"What" I hiss

"Don't hiss at me young man. I carried you for 9 month. 9 months. Not for you to hiss at me" she slaps my back

"Mama ni dispiace"
"Mum I'm sorry"

She rolls her eyes "You better be. Get up. We're meeting Alexa again."

"Si Mama"

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