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I stop when I hear the scream.

"Beg all you want. Your not getting out of this" a voice growls

Hold on. I know that voice.

That's Nik. Dominic Russo.

I go closer to the door the voices are coming from leaning on the wall beside it so I'm blocked, nobody can see me.

"Please. I swear I didn't do anything" the man cries

All of a sudden he starts screaming louder making me jump and cover my mouth

"Luca shut him up"

Michael. That was his voice. And- and he just said Luca.

What the fuck.

"Listen to me boy. do you have any idea who you've messed with?"

I nearly fall when I recognise the voice.

"Roberto" I whisper

"Please look. I'll talk, I'll talk I promise bu- but please, help my family, protect them. Because if they find out I've told you they'll kill them" he cries " I didn't want to do it. I know who you are, I would never have tried anything If I had a Choice"

"Talk" Michael growls

"It, it was the Canadians. They were pissed you blew up their drugs. They have my daughter. They were gonna hurt her. She's 15 man,15." The man stutters

"What were you supposed to do?"

"I-I was told to put this clip in the Princesses bracelet. I swear I don't know what it is. I couldn't afford to ask questions not when they had my daughter"

"Ok" That was Roberto "We'll protect your family. Get them a flight and new identity send them far away once we save your daughter" Roberto softly says

"I know how senstive fathers get when it comes to daughters"

"But" Michael interrupts "Nobody, and I mean nobody gets away with fucking with us. We aren't some small gang. We're the fucking Mafia. And we've got to make a example of you, to show others not to mess with us" there's a evil tone to Michaels words.

Wait what. Mafia hold up. Wait what, make an example surely they don't mean -

"Lou, it's been a pleasure" Nik mocks

"No,no please don't"


I Scream, but my hand covers it. Tears leaking from my eyes

"Sam. There's a body in room NK2, get rid of it" Michael talks

I can't even. What. I wipe the tears from my eyes, I don't believe this.

They just openly killed someone. That man had a family. He died because he protected his daughter
I keep in a sob, frozen, I couldn't move.

They're in the freaking Mafia. Oh my goodness. We let them into our homes. They bonded with us. Was that all fake? Were they using us to get sometigng but what. Or or maybe they want to torture us and kill.

No, the Russos cared for us, for me. I know it, I could see it in their eyes. Unless
Unless that was fake

I touch my heart that's beating so fast "They fucking shot a guy. Killed him. Oh god. I start sobbing but quickly keep it in to not make any noise.

I look around me, fuck it's a dead end. I'll have to go past the room. I gag. I don't want to.

I quickly take off my shoes and grab them in my hands and slowly walk fast. But just my luck. As soon as I get past the room the door opens with a bang.

I freeze

"Alexa?" Roberto questions

I slowly turn around and look him in the eye. He sees the emotion in my eyes and is confused but then as if he's realised, he looks behind him in the room then looks at me, realisation fillings his face, he takes a step forward

"Alexa listen to me"

"Lexi?" I hear three voices. All the boys come out and stand near their father

"What's wrong?" They all asked concerned

"What's wrong" I laugh "what's wrong is, your all a bunch of monsters"

I watch as they pale as they hear my words. I take that chance and run.

I hear footsteps follow and shouts for me to stop. But I don't. I run down the stairs and into the balcony.

Fuck. What have I gotten my self into.
I brush away my tears and use the glass door to fix my self

"Go in. Tell them you don't feel well and you want to go home. Scotland home" I whisper nodding to myself

Alexa Russo.Where stories live. Discover now