Zhang Meng and Lin Jie immediately surrounded him and trapped him. After some struggle, they tied him to the torture rack. Without searching for any evidence, let alone seeking for a confession, a red-hot branding iron was pressed into his chest, followed by branding the word 'traitor' on his cheek. He was promptly declared convicted.

"I'm not reconciled! You have no evidence. You have abused the law. I am not reconciled..." Xu Mao's bellow could have shattered the sky.

His confidants stood up and shouted their disagreement. They also said that if it was a crime, then the commander secretly mobilizing the troops was really a crime deserving of death. They wanted to kill the traitorous officials for the emperor. Subsequently, they also pulled out their sword in resistance.

In this way, the left wing became Xu Mao's personal army.

"Tie them all up. It's better to kill them by mistake than to let them go." Yu Pin Yan waved his sleeve and the soldiers swarmed up to tie the rest of them. There were many of them and they were prepared, so they quickly subdued the men. They were trussed up andhung on the torture rack.

Once the left general was removed, the soldiers under his command still had to follow the orders of the commander. A private army without a leader was nothing more than scattered sand.

After all the commotion, the dungeon fell silent with the remaining generals wanting to say something and looked towards Fang Da frequently. Although these two men won the battle, Xu Mao was right on the basis of the charge of moving troops. Yu Pin Yan and the others would still be dead when they returned to the capital. They were loyal to their commander, but even more loyal to Emperor Cheng Kang. At this moment, all of them were contemplating on how to handle it.

Yu Pin Yan swept an indifferent glance at everyone present. He saw that there were no suspicious-looking people among the remaining people nor were there any treacherous people. Then, he took out a Xuan Iron token from his inner pocket.

Once they saw the token, everyone was shocked, and even Xu Mao stopped shouting and cursing, appearing dumbfounded. They never thought that the Emperor would trust the Commander to such an extent that he even bestowed him a gold medallion to protect him from death. So why had they been plotting for so long? Yu Pin Yan was just toying around with them!

"Use torture. Make sure to find out the mastermind behind them." Yu Pin Yan waved his hand and walked out of the dungeon.

In case there were still spies hiding in Wulan Province, the three of them ‒ Yu Xiang and her maidservants ‒ remained in the group of monks dressed as lay disciples.

The first thing Ku Hui did when he arrived at the military camp was to treat the wounded. In order to reduce the pain caused by the chafing of the cloth, most of the injured had already removed their combat robes and bared their chests. There were some who were not even wearing trousers because their legs were wounded.

Therefore, as soon as Yu Xiang offered to attend to the wounded, Yu Pin Yan shot her a fierce glare. She had no choice but to go back to her room with Tao Hong and Liu Lu to rest.

Although Yu Pin Yan had special privileges as a commander, the courtyard he lived in was small. There were five rooms and two additional rooms full of sundries. A soldier was there to do all the washing and cooking. It did not even contain any woman, living a life of hardship and self-discipline.

Yu Xiang took a turn and took a turn around the courtyard and found no traces of a woman. She felt satisfied and said gruffly to the young soldier, "Go back. I'll take care of this place."

Because the Commander had ordered him to comply with everything this person commanded, the young soldier didn't ask further and went out obediently. Yu Xiang immediately changed her voice to a clear one, "Quickly start a fire. I will cook for my elder brother, so that when he comes back, he can have a hot meal."

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