Tao Hong jumped out of bed and searched for her baoguo,[3] but was dismayed to find that they had no ink and paper. It was the middle of the night, so there was nowhere to buy it and it was not a good idea to bother anyone else.

There was a broom in a corner of the room. Yu Xiang broke the stems off the broom and used a candle to burn them to make dark charcoal. Then, she tore her innerwear and laid it flat on the table. As she wrote, she explained, "My dream is sinful, but Master Ku Hai's dreams are warnings from Heaven. Don't forget, he is a divine monk of the Han Dynasty, and his offhanded Buddhism verses can bring countless people to their knees. This matter is urgent, so I will borrow his name for a while. When this matter is over, I will kneel before the temple and beg for his forgiveness."

It was not that Yu Xiang hadn't thought of using words with hidden intentions to suggest that the Crown Prince should be more vigilant. However, 'what lowly people think counts for little'[4] and she was afraid that the Crown Prince would not listen to her. Furthermore, she had seen Ao Ping involved in the matter in her dream. Ao Ping was well regarded by the Crown Prince and Emperor Cheng Kang. If she did not reveal Ao Ping's true nature, even if she was able to avoid this calamity, the unsuspecting Crown Prince would still fall into his trap. Therefore, there must be no ambiguity in the letter and she must make it clear and unambiguous.

"Do you intend to use Master Ku Hai's name? That's indeed a good idea." Liu Lu let out a huge sigh of relief.

Yu Xiang burned the branches while writing, and within half an hour she had written three letters. She then rolled them into thin strips and hid them in the seams of the baoguo. As the Crown Prince's manor was filled with people that could leak the news, she was afraid that the letters would be intercepted halfway by someone. Moreover, as the Old Madam had cut all contact with her, she was afraid that she would burn the letters without reading them. Thus, she had to ask the Great Monk to pass all three letters to Shen Yuan Qi to deliver them on her behalf.

In her letter to Shen Yuan Qi, she had made up the excuse for him already. It would definitely not reveal it was her dream in front of the Crown Prince. With Shen Yuan Qi's assistance, the Marquis manor should be able to avoid this disaster.

Early in the morning, Yu Xiang asked Liu Lu to buy a fast horse and passed the baoguo to the shortest monk to take back to the capital. On the other hand, she was duty-bound to set off into the uncharted Kuoshui Forest without hesitation.

Ever since Ma Momo's persuasion, the Old Madam had been living in a state of anxiety. She would frequently walk to the door with her cane, stood for a moment and then turned back. After all, she could not overcome the hurdle in her heart.

On this day, two fast horses galloped into the capital. One of them was heading for the imperial city while the other, which arrived an hour later, went straight to Shen manor. Shen Yuan Qi was having his rest day[1] and when he heard that the visitor was a monk from Zhenguo Temple, he hastily invited him in.

The monk handed the baoguo to Shen Yuan Qi and touched the seam edge suggestively. Then, he took his leave and left. Shen Yuan Qi couldn't wait to unwrap the threads and took out three letters. He read them one by one, his expression turning from anxiety to disbelief and then to fear.

Before he could return to his senses, the housekeeper darted in and whispered in his ears the news that General Yu had fallen into the Wu River. It turned out that the former horse was an urgent report from the Western Frontier, bringing this terrible news.   

His body fell into the Wu River, just as his younger sister had described in her letter. At that time, she was in the capital and it had not yet occurred. Could there really be someone who could see the future? Or did the Heavens send a warning? Then, the dream about the Crown Prince's manor and Marquis Yongle's manor being raided could not be doubted.

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