Though he appeared helpless, Yu Pin Yan's eyes were brimmed with an extreme inexhaustible doting. Bit by bit, he attentively helped clean her up then pinched the tip of her nose affectionately.

Smiling bitterly to himself, Shen Yuan Qi put the handkerchief back into his sleeve pocket and retreated to the side.

Since Emperor Cheng Kang's tracks had been disclosed, it was naturally inappropriate for him to stay much longer outside the palace. So, he ordered the palace attendants to pack the mercury mirrors and other items then left promptly yet concerned that Old Madam was frightened, Yu Pin Yan was ordered to stay to comfort her.

After the shopkeeper had sent the great deity away, he caught sight of Yu Xiang's hair which was covered and stiffened with the egg white and spoke very cautiously, "Lord Commander, if Third Miss does not mind, she can go clean up her hair a little in the inner room. It was really the inadequate vigilance of this humble one that allowed the crazy woman to break into the shop and committed assault. Requesting pardon from Lord Commander."

"What had the insolence of the crazy woman got to do with you? Forget it." Yu Xiang waved her hand liberally but quickly added, "If you are sincere in making amends, give me a 30% discount when I come to your shop to buy something in the future."

How could the shopkeeper dared to say the word 'no'. Complying immediately, he asked someone to prepare the hot water. Yu Pin Yan pushed his younger sister to the inner room but before leaving, he casted a cold glance at Shen Yuan Qi.

Knowing that he was furious with himself for approaching Xiang'er, Shen Yuan Qi could not help but smile wryly and acclaimed inwardly that All Commander Yu indeed loves his younger sister as much as his life like hearsay. But in reality, she is his younger sister too who had been carried away by mistake by Yu manor. It should be the Yu family who owes it to the Shen family for taking away such a lovely younger sister and leaving behind the devious jinx like Yu Miao Qi!

While he was condemning secretly, Yu Miao Qi had already struggled free from her embarrassment. Seeing all the customers in the shop frightened away while Old Madam reposed in the wooden armchair as if not wanting to pay her any heeds, she gave a meaningful glance to her former elder brother..

The two of them walked to the most remote corner of the shop and talked behind a huge antique rack. Unable to stop them, Lin Shi could only glance over from time to time with anxiety clearly shown in her manner.

"Elder Brother, I was wrong and considering we have once been brother and sister, do not target me. To tell the truth, my life in Yu family has not been easy. Old Madam and Yu Pin Yan can only see Yu Xiang instead treated me as an outsider. I have been treading gingerly on thin ice all day long lest I would be kicked out of the house one day. It was still father, mother and elder brother who treated me the best. If I had known earlier, I would not have returned to Marquis Yongle manor but it's too late to repent now." Shedding tears as she spoke, her grief was truly genuine.

Shen Yuan Qi sized her up for a long time before he snorted softly, "Don't, you should just stay compliantly in Yu family. Do you think you have not caused enough harm to my Shen family?"

Yu Miao Qi forgot to shed her tears and questioned, "How am I harmful? I am the dignified Di daughter of the Yu manor who was mistakenly taken to be a merchant daughter and separated from my kindred for more than ten years. Do sound out your conscience, who actually is the one who has been harmed?"

Her attitude hardened while Shen Yuan Qi also laughed and spoke coldly, "Back then, it was the Matriarch of Marquis manor who went on a journey hastily. Knowing perfectly well she was about to give birth, she did not bring a wet nurse along. In order to prevent you from starving to death, she asked my Shen family's wet nurse for a few mouthfuls of milk and it was also Yu family's servants who took my younger sister away by mistake when they left. My younger sister, who is so lovely and sentimentally righteous, was replaced by something that is ungrateful and heartless like you. What had my Shen family done wrong? If it wasn't for you, how would my Shen family befallen to such a state of ruin?"

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