"Divine Doctor Pu..." Yu Xiang knitted her brows.

The Crown Princess' smile became more miserable and sad, "Bengong had used up the opportunity for treatment at eight when Bengong got infected with smallpox while the imperial physicians were also at their wits' end."

Yu Xiang became silent. Right at this moment, a court lady led Old Madam into the room with a pot of coral and tree-like vermilion thing in her hand. After Old Madam greeted the Crown Princess, she placed the object on the bedside and said with a smile, "This is an exorcism tree, a plant from Nanyang (South Seas) that is said able to dispel sickness and make people well. But no one has ever managed to grow it in Nanyang, so it's just a folktale. Xiang'er found a packet of seeds and only this plant survived even after sowing all of them. Not only does it look good but it smells nice too, so I'm presenting this to the Crown Princess niang-niang[2], hoping you can get well soon."

The vermilion plant exudes bursts of sweet fragrance that refreshes the mind and soul. The dully aching temples of the Crown Princess instantly calmed down a lot. Smiling, she thanked Old Madam. As she was disinclined to let the two little girls get sick, she ordered Song Momo to take them outside to play with other noble ladies.

They did not go to the crowded back garden after leaving the room, instead, they followed the narrow path to a secluded quiet pavilion and prepared to have some private conversations. As soon as they sat down, they heard footsteps coming their way gradually. Turning their heads to look, they met with a pair of long narrow eyes.

The Ninth Princess' cheeks unexpectedly turned red and at a loss for words. The visitor was also very surprised as excitement was revealed in his eyes which was quickly repressed and prepared to leave after bowing to them.

"You ~ you don't leave!" Scuffling to stand up, the Ninth Princess shouted anxiously.

The person was also reluctant to leave and hearing that, he immediately stopped and a thin smile slowly drew out from the corners of his mouth.

Yu Xiang frowned slightly, "Why does Princess ask him to stay? This is the inner courtyard and he is a trespassing foreign man. Can he assume the blame if he bumps into any of the distinguished people?" Once the words faltered, she looked at the handsome young man and sternly berated, "The Princess is too magnanimous to bother with you, why have you not scram away yet!"

Pursing his lips, Shen Yuan Qi pointed to a courtyard door not far away and said, "Report to the Princess, that's the front courtyard after passing through this side door." Pointing to a small building behind the pavilion which is hidden amidst layers of greenery, he bent and kowtowed, "And that's the Crown Prince's study which is about 500 meters away from here, so this is already the boundary of the front courtyard. This humble official did not expect the Princess and Miss Yu resting here, so please forgive for my interruption."

How could Yu Xiang remember the layout of the Crown Prince's residence as she has only been here a few times, so she glanced towards the Ninth Princess with questioning eyes.

The heart and eyes of the Ninth Princess were now filled with the young man's handsome face, his gentle refined smile and his low-deep voice. Her cheeks were blushing red while her brain was befuddled at this moment, so how could she still receive her question, but merely smile fatuously.

When the Ninth Princess was six years old, she had cried and ran to the Hall of Golden Chimes[1] to find her Emperor Father. She was a master of rampage even in the Imperial Palace, so who would dare to stop her in the Crown Prince residence? Seeing that the visitors were the Ninth Princess and Miss Yu, the page boy guarding the door hurriedly dodged away seemingly not seeing them which had caused this misunderstanding.

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