The more she spoke, the sadder she became. She undid the small purse on her waist and choked with sobs, "Mother, who else but you in Marquis manor would take me to heart. Just look at what Grandmother has given me as the first meeting gift, a piece of protective charm which can be bought for one copper coin in the temple. This is disliking this daughter from the bottom of her heart!"

In actuality, Yu Miao Qi had misunderstood. That piece of charm was not bought with one copper coin. In fact, was personally written and also consecrated by the divine monk of the Great Han Dynasty, Ku Hai which was a good item that nobody could even get their hands on, even if they broke their necks trying to snatch it. Thanks to the friendly relations Yu Xiang had with Master Ku Hai over the years, he was able to make an exception for monk who had sealed his writing brush[3] for ten years.

It was a pity that the effort and pains taken by Old Madam were all fed into the dog's belly that not only was Yu Miao Qi not grateful about it, she also secretly hated her.

When Lin Shi heard this, she was furious that she condemned Old Madam for being biased as she walked outside then threw that piece of charm into the brazier where sacrificial offerings were burning. When the fire licked the paper, a strong Zen fragrance was released and gone in an instant.

She turned around and embraced her daughter. Gnashing her teeth, she whispered, "Don't worry, Qi'er. From now on, Mother will not allow you to suffer such humiliation like today. In any case, Mother is still the main wife of the Marquis manor. After idling for fourteen years, it's also time to take charge of the household management again. It's not certain who will see whose face to live by!"

"Mother, only you treat this daughter the best. Daughter can only count on you!" Yu Miao Qi threw herself into her arms and sobbed despairingly. A dark light flashed across her tear-filled eyes.

Clamping down a stomachful of words to persuade her master, Jin Momo found out the second young miss had said all that she wanted to say. If her master is back in charge of the household, she will be the revered momo-in-charge of Marquis manor again, how much profit is waiting for her to pocket? She somewhat couldn't contain the joy in her heart thinking of this that she had to hurriedly hide the smile at the corner of her lips with a handkerchief, yet she lowered eyes seemingly in sorrow.


[1] 欺人太甚 (Qī rén tàishèn) - badly bullying someone / intolerable bullying

[2] 步摇 (Bù yáo) - dangling hair ornament

[3] 封笔 (Fēngbǐ ) - it normally refers to writers, painters, calligraphers, or etc. who stop using pens/writing brushes and no longer engage/publish in calligraphy/creative activities.

In the main courtyard, Old Madam was leafing through the scriptures when Wan Qiu came in with a solemn face. Leaning close to Ma Momo, she whispered something which vaguely sounded like, Madam, burned, dislike and other words.

Ma Momo's expression changed drastically and the hand holding a handkerchief unconsciously shook.

"What are you talking about? Let me hear it too" Old Madam turned over a page of the scriptures and spoke slowly.

Ma Momo dismissed Wan Qiu, looking rather hesitant.

Old Madam sneered, "Did Lin Shi being a demon[1] again? Speak!"

Ma Momo kneeled at her feet and spoke with grief, "Reporting to Old Madam, Young Miss said you dislike her and the first meeting gift is actually a protective charm that can be bought with one copper coin in the temple. Hearing that, Madam is bristling with anger that she threw the charm into the brazier and burned it directly."

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