•Chapter 50•

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[Author's POV]

You repeated clenching onto his shirt and sobbing while your eyes were shut. It seemed strange that it felt so comforting in his arms, your chest felt tight and was hurting, your eyes were swelled and your head felt heavy.

"I-im sorry..."
Junkook spoke making you flinch even in his arms, he continued to caress your soft hairs while you slowly turned your head up.

"You...a-are you okay..!?"
You asked checking on to him while he looked at you complete confused.
You were aware, aware of the reason he did all that to you in the past. Eventually he turned out to be someone you never want to leave, these seven people including rose is genuinely everything to you.

He slowly approached his hand while you were still checking onto him, he tucked your hairs behind your ears making you look at him immediately.

He placed his one warm hand on your wet and cold cheek, and rubbed it gently with his thumb to wipe your tears away. He looked at you with an affection, and warmth you never knew someone can have. You were shocked at how changed a person can be.

"Y/n...can you forgive me?"
He spoke more like whispered and all of a sudden, those warm eyes turned into a very painful and dark ones. He was hurting, you could see it. His eyes slowly got filled while you didn't bothered to break the eye contact.

Tears slowly dropped down his cheek, while his brown orbs only made you feel the pain he himself is feeling.

"I-i did... Don't cry..."
You panicked seeing him cry, and was about to approach your hand on his cheek but stopped. He all of a sudden, placed his hand on your cheek and pulled you while hesitating a bit and then looking in your shocked eyes, he instantly pulled you in a warm kiss while your tears streamed down and the pain in your chest stopped, it wasn't really expressing anything, but love. It was expressing love. And you did realised it as well.

He slowly broke it while slowly looking in your eyes very passionately. You couldn't see as your eyes were tight shut, not knowing what to do. But you could feel him smiling. Very brightly.

"Y/n, I found the answer. I found those feelings which were buried in my heart deep within, and I wasn't aware of it."
He spoke whispering and giving a very fuzzy sensation in the bottom of your stomach.

You slowly opened your eyes seeing him inches away from face, you gulped getting nervous and breaking eye contact, as he slowly Chuckled seeing your reaction.

Being with him made you feel like everything's okay even if it wasn't, you felt at ease that now that feeling of being scared of him is no more inside your heart. But a spot in your heart was saying you yourself killed your own dream in order to save another.

"He was your brother, and your secret dream as well. I respect him, but until he lay his hand on you and goes on wrong path. I was wrong too, maybe that's why it doesn't seem right for me to speak, but I really am guilty y/n."
He spoke being all serious again, the sincerity in his voice and even in his eyes was clear.

You bit your lip holding yourself from crying looking down, he noticed and placed his hand on your head.

"It's okay, take your time. But do not assume anything wrong. Accept the reality, and move on. I know saying this is easy, but you will have to do it. Just because of one dream, you cannot destroy every ."

He stood up, still forcing himself to go, and finally stepped backwards and left you giving you some space to figure out everything on your own.

You've been figuring out everything on your own since your childhood, and today someone came to you telling you what you should do. He didn't forced you for anything. He didn't said you have to act all normal after what happened. He just told you to give your best, and accept.

This made you a bit more confident, though you still felt the pain in your heart. That little innocent child asking you to eat his food because you couldn't afford to eat yours. Your brother, was your dream.

But now you knew, you cannot destroy your other dreams just because of one. You decided to love him, even from this far.

You wiped your tears, standing up and making your way out of the room.
You stepped on the staircase as the dead body of your brother came in your sight making you almost burst out into years though you held them.

You came down, as namjoon was instructing his men and noticed you standing, he panicked and was about to come to you but junkook signalled and stopped him.

Your gaze was fixed on your brother, Jackson. You slowly knelt down and stared at his pale face. The blood on the floor slowly soaking your cloths as well. You approached your hand near him, and slowly placed it on his cheek. Tears streamed down your eyes, though you smiled forcing yourself.

The smile slowly faded away as you sat there staring at his pale face while other members stood confused seeing you near him, but junkook knew, he knew what you've decided.

"Please take him...away."
You spoke as namjoon signalled some men who instantly came and took his body away.

Everyone's eye were fixed on you, they were confused why you're reacting this way? Though the only one who knew how you're feeling right now was junkook. He looked at you sternly with definitely no emotion knowing, he cannot do anything but to see you healing from that old pain slowly.

Taehyung approached you and squatted down beside you, he looked at you with a soft gaze while you weren't even aware of your surroundings. Your thoughts were puzzled.

He held your small hand in his, as if comforting you not even knowing what you're feeling. He was concerned, he felt worried missing that old smile of yours. He missed the happy you.


👀Sorry cuz uwu is always late...

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