•Chapter 38•

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[y/n's POV]

Feeling a warm thing covering my body, I snuggled up to it. While moving a strong pain occured in my chest again which caused me to open my eyes as i realised I was in a room.

Did they caught me?
Where am I??

So many questions rising as I heard the door opening and a male figure entered the room. I squinted my eyes finally able to see clearly. It was taehyung.

My eyes widened, and my lips slightly parted as I started trembling seeing his cold stare.
Though there was still a tint of sadness in his deep eyes.

"You're gonna stay here from now on, the driver will drop you to your school and whatever you want you can tell him he'll bring it to you. Don't ever try to go out without the 2 gaurds I've chose for you got it?!"
He voiced out raising one of his brow.

I frowned at his statement, confused on why he is saying that?
And indeed this room doesn't look like the room I was kept in before in that mansion.

"W-why are you....doing this f-for me?" I asked still feared by his cold stare which doesn't seem to radiate any kind of emotion.

He turned around leaving my unanswered question and thoughts the way they were.

"P-please tell me!"
I asked as he was about to move the knob to open the door hut paused just as I asked.

He moved his head in his left side.
"Because I pity you. You're pathetic."
He exclaimed finally opening the door and leaving me with an empty feeling and with another wound on my heart.

I frowned in disbelief trying my best to hold my tears but failed.
"A-am I pathetic?"
I asked myself letting my tears fall from my already red eyes.

I saw some bandages on my arm which made me realise he gave me an injection. Maybe a doctor came?
I felt weak again.

No! I'm strong...I'm gonna fight!!
Thinking alot of things I slowly stood up and went near the door, I held the knob and opened the door slowly. There was no gaured standing at the door of my room like the old place I was kept in.

I slowly approached my steps hiding behind the walls. It looked like a small house.

A hand suddenly held my waist and pulled me, pinning me to the wall. I shut my eyes not wanting to see who it is as of how scared I already was.

His one hand was on my waist and another was on the wall. I placed both of my hands on his shoulders. I felt him moving closer.

"I told you to stay" I flinched as he whispered in my ear with his deep voice and eventually realised who it is. Taehyung....

I could feel his breath giving a fuzzy type sensation in my stomach making me tremble and I tried holding myself still with my wobbly legs.

I slowly opened my eyes only to see him staring at me maybe only inches away from my face.

His eyes...

This time, his eyes had more warmth and sadness in them. I could see how much pain there was. I once saw myself with these same eyes in mirror. As if I could see the pain I once felt in his eyes.


I looked down finally breaking the eye contact, and softly tried pushing him back but he hissed as I touched his shoulder.

My eyes widened as he bent clenching his one of the shoulder, panic started to rise within my body as held his hand not letting him fall and he jerked it off. I tried helping him but he pushed me instead.

"I-i don't fucking need your help! G-GO!!" He uttered clenching his jaw and finally taking support of the wall in order to stand.

"P-please let me-"
I was about to again reach him for help but all of a sudden feeling a pain on my cheek which started to feel as if it's burning, and I realised he slapped me.

I again saw his eyes changing emotions, the cold one. He was furious and in pain.

I never knew why I was like this.
I wanted to help someone who torchered me, kidnapped me and gave me so much of pain. I could run from there, if I wanted to. But instead I was in a need to help him as soon as possible. As if I could feel his pain as well.

•To be continued•

Yea this is it for today..
Yk I kinda feel low today, I've got many troubles to deal with these days so yea! And sorry for my low energy...
Also this story isn't getting much views like yk, I don't think people are liking it. So, I'll just finish it in 4 to 5 more chapters then I'll continue the other one..
Bye for now!
Uwu loves you🌟


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