•Chapter 32•

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[Y/n's POV]

My eyes fluttered as I slowly opened my lids and rubbed them with both of my hands to see clearly.

As I looked around I came to know it was the same room I was kept in before. I don't know what might have happened after me fainting.

I still don't want to except how much he hates me. He even risked his own life just because he hates me, I wonder what I did to recieve this much of hatred from someone I haven't even seen before.

What could have happened which made him hate me this much? What's the reason behind all of this mess?!
And I promised rose that I'll return for sure, what about that promise?
What did I do to recieve such a punishment? Things never really go the way I want them to. I wanted to spend my leftover time with rose but it all became a mess again.

The door creaked opened as a huge figure entered with loud steps.
As I looked up to see who it was, I gasped widening my eyes at the sight of mr.jeon standing in front of me with a kind of really terrifying aura around him, which made me tremble.

He turned his back on me and locked the door slowly, and again turned to face the terrified me again. As if he is almost going to kill me out of anger he stepped closer, and with every step my heart beats a bit louder making me more shiver.

Just as he approached he leaned in making me touch my back to the bedside and closing my eyes as the pain hits again.

Feeling his big warm hands on my neck I tensed up placing one of my hand on his chest softly.
I felt him coming closer as he slowly kept filling the gap between two of us. He was radiating a very dangerous aura which made me feel more uncomfortable. I knew he hated me, and for some reason he was furious. Maybe because he couldn't get to know what he wanted to know through that game.

Maybe I was simply just a reason for him to spit his all anger on?

All these thoughts vanished as I felt something warm on my lips, just as the realisation hits me I panicked feeling his lips attached to mine. I made a bit more force on his chest with the same hand to stop him.
But he was much more stronger.

I tried shifting but he held me by my waist and pulled me closer.
He moved his lips and did not stopped until i felt the lack of breathe. He pulled back and stared at me sternly which caused me to feel more uncomfortable.

I was breathing heavily along with him looking down not making the courage to look into his deep eyes, the warmth his hands were producing on the back of my neck caused me to close my eyes slowly and put my head down so he won't do anything again.

He touched his finger on my chin and made me face him which I definitely never wanted. It was uncomfortable, really uncomfortable.

"P-please" I whispered as the tears shed from my already closed eyes.
His hand crawled over my jaw and then my chest, then it slowly went closed to my arm and then my back.
He leaned in and as I again looked down not wanting to see him any closer.

Our foreheads touching each other, he slowly held the small pull tab of the zip of my clothes causing me to widened my eyes and flinch at the  sudden action.

I looked at his flawless face almost sobbing out of fear. My eyes wandered on his perfect face.
His eyes and the brown orbs which were so deep and filled with so much hatred. His smirk recieved my attention as I realised the top I was wearing is now half covering my body.

•To be continued•

Y'all alive? xD
I'm so excited for another chapter!!!
And I'm so fucking sorryyyyyyy for not updating yesterday!! :(
I love y'all!!!


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