Chapter 31: UA Entrance Exam and Espionage?

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3rd POV:

The remaining time between that encounter with All Might and the start of the UA entrance exam was used to focus on taking advantage of any weakness that Shinso could find in his opponents Shinso had since he had finished cleaning the beach an entire month beforehand. Now, just fighting against Izuku, Ozy, and Zahra wouldn't give him the best results since they have trained to cover any known weaknesses that they had due to the harsh training they underwent at Ashwood, or under the Corona family for Izuku. As such, Izuku changed their training grounds to an abandoned warehouse where Izuku had Shinso wearing a face mask and a hood to hide his features due to the fact that the trio was brining actual criminals or villains to fight Shinso for live combat training! Of course, Shinso freaked out when he was first told about what he would be doing for the last month of training and was terrified because something could go wrong like the villains trying to kill him or use him as a hostage to escape but Izuku assured him that nothing could go wrong due to unseen safeguards that they had in place.

This did ease Shinso's worries and of course Izuku's safeguards meant a wave of his hand if he thought the villain might injure his trainee. However, Shinso didn't need to know that there wasn't really any other safeguards in place outside of that since he needed that small illusion of safety for now until he grew with more experience. As such, they started Shinso out with low level ranked criminals who were more or less just the regular run of the mill street thugs instead of actually experience criminals or villains since it wouldn't do them any good if Shinso got beat right out of the gate since that was an viable action that could happen since Izuku was only going to step in if a critical injury or a fatal one is about to happen.

As such, the first fight started out with just a messy slug fest that lead to Shinso having a busted lip and a black eye which Izuku just rolled his eyes at and asked where had all of the training he had done the past few months with hand to hand gone? Shinso of course lowered his head and apologized but Izuku didn't want an apology but an answer and he did get one since it turns out that fighting his mentor (if you could call Izuku that?) was different as he held fear to fighting a criminal where he could end up getting killed. Izuku completely understood that fear since everyone goes through it but there was a line that those that wanted to become heroes had to overcome if they truly wanted to do the job because in the field the reality of being killed can be just one lucky punch away. So knowing that, Izuku asked Shinso if he truly wanted to be a hero and what he was willing to do to become one because one day he may have to weigh the life of a villain to the life of a civilian in the middle of the battle. "So knowing that, can you still walk down the path of a hero because even though Japan makes it seem like a wonderful job... it isn't in the end since it's a bloody and deadly one." Izuku asked and Shinso gripped his hands and said he wanted to be one so he could help people like himself and be the hero he needed back then which earned a nod of approval from Izuku.

"Good, be the hero you wanted to come help you in your hours of need as it will motivate you far." Izuku said and grabbed Shinso by the back of his shirt and dragged him out of the warehouse as Izuku was brining Shinso to their apartment for a dinner as Izuku knew that the foster parents never cared when Shinso showed back up at their house as long as he was there for scheduled visits by child services. Shinso though looked confused as he was dragged away but didn't argue with anything since he trusted Apollo (Remember, he doesn't know Izuku's actual name.). Soon he found out that his mentor had taken him to his home and was being forced to join them for dinner for the night before he returned to his foster parents. Though, he was caught off guard by what Apollo said next, "I know your living situation isn't the best so feel free to come to our house whenever you need to get away from them. I'm sorry I can't offer to take you in on a permanent basis but with us being World Heroes we end up moving a lot more than normal heroes since we go to different countries unless we are on a long-term mission like we are on right now." Izuku said and Shinso was more or less blue screening right now as a computer would as it took him a few moments to get his mind to think straight on what he had just heard. Soon he came back to his senses and looked at Apollo with a dumbfounded expression as he tried to play what was just said off but Izuku wasn't having it as he asked Shinso to bear with his current living conditions until he could find someone he believed would be good for him to take care of him though he did have someone in mind already since there was a certain underground pro hero that had been hunting the trio down since they were believed to be vigilantes still.

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