Chapter 30: Roaring Muscles & Trash Might

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3rd POV:

A few days passed since Izuku and Shinso's initial meeting and during those days Izuku, Ozy, and Zahra did several different things. Firstly, they dug into Hitoshi Shinso's entire life to see what had happen to the kid and they did find a range of things such as the fact Shinso lived with a foster family that had a history of kids with certain quirks such as 'villainous' quirks running away from their home which was written off by others as the children just falling to crime which was kind of true since a lot of those kids were later arrested from crimes. However, Izuku didn't buy the fact that they simply just ran away since he had an experience with a bad home himself due to the Corona family so he was sure the foster parents were likely quirkest pigs that were most likely mentally abusive and possibly physically as well. As such, Izuku knew they needed to do something about that but would need to take care of it delicately and figure out where Shinso would go since they couldn't just take him in. Well... they could but they were only a few years older than the kid and they could receive a call at any random time that would send them to another mission in a country which would force the boy to move as well if he became a permeant part of their family and Shinso's dream was to go to UA not travel around the world and never having a true home.

Secondly, they found out that the school Shinso went to was the same one that Bakugo attended and dear god, Izuku was downright disgusted by what he saw in that school video cameras. There was countless of hours' worth of video showing so many crimes by the students and the teachers as well. Izuku was honestly glad that even though Katsuki Bakugo was in some sense arrogant, cruel, and a bit of a bully... he wasn't an extreme and could most likely be worked away from what he's been turned into by the horrible teachers while nearly all of the other students were far to gone in Izuku's opinion since they didn't deserve leniency from his wrath as he created separate folders for each individual and gathered the evidence of their crimes together as he was more or less going to blackmail these people. Outside of all of this, Izuku does know very well that All Might has also been trying to find information about him since Izuku had access to the police and heroes networks due to his position as a World Hero. As such, the locals didn't know he was monitoring the case but he was and he knew that All Might had contacted a local detective by the name of Naomasa Tsukauchi who had a lie detecting quirk according the police records which Izuku made sure the other two knew about so that they wouldn't get trapped in a lie when it came to the man since Izuku was sure All Might wasn't going to let Izuku's go due to what he knew.

Anyway, it appears that All Might had contacted this detective, who Izuku believed to be in on All Might's current injured state due to the lie detector quirk itself, to find information out about Izuku since the detective had ran several searches with information that would use to identify Izuku himself. Luckily, All Might seems to have completely forgot about Shinso a bit since the detective didn't run any searches using the boy's features. Izuku did set up alerts that if anything similar to Izuku or Shinso was mentioned or used in a search than he would get a ping about it so he can monitor how close All Might may get to figuring something out.

Sucks to be All Might though since Izuku was far more powerful and had people to back him up when it came to authority over someone else so Izuku wasn't afraid of the man trying to pull strings or anything. Anyway, Izuku knew he had a bit of work to complete when it came to Shinso in regards to the boy's life but also just training the boy as well since he needed to make sure Shinso could manage when it came to the UA entrance exam. Luckily, he knew that he could somewhat cheat when it came to Shinso's training due to how he could just quickly heal Shinso and speed up the beefing up of muscles though that did have a risk in it as well. The risk was of course that Shinso could become too reliant on Izuku healing him to improve in training since he may become lazier after Izuku is less around in the future to maintain the physical condition he would gain due to Izuku speeding the process up.

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