Chapter 28: The Mighty Has Fallen?

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3rd POV:

To Izuku, it felt downright blissful to be back in America even if it was only going to be temporary since the threat of All For One finding him still remains even though they have grown stronger to a point that Izuku doesn't truly fear the man at all even if he couldn't get him in one wave of his hand. However, being back in America did relax Izuku's mind and allowed the tension to bleed from his body since he got to enjoy time again with Ozy and Zahra since they had more or less been away from each other for over half of a year due to the damn mission. Though it was quite funny seeing the two act so docile the first few weeks after the mission since they were so regretful on leaving their pictures of them and Izuku out in the open for enemies to see so easily so they held back on any sadistic behaviors they normally would have shown to make sure they didn't annoy Izuku to much which Izuku found grateful but after the second week of them being like this he told them to go back to normal since it was to weird not having them act like they normally would. Of course, that was just opening the flood gates for the two sadistic as they flaunted themselves in very sexual manners or other means to get a rise out of Izuku like they normally did but Izuku accepted it as it was part of the charm he loved in them since there were quite a few times that they just made a fool out of themselves which Izuku believed was the goal since he would always laugh at it.

Anyway, part of the reason they were back in America was to finish their graduation from Ashwood academy and ensure that they were at the top of the ranking before thy graduated and today was the day that they challenged the ranks. Once everyone in the school heard that they were back, you couldn't go even five feet without hearing whispers about the school royals returning which Izuku just shook his head at since they somehow always end up as deemed as 'royals' in some fashion at each school they have been going to. Anyway, it was now time to challenge the ranking and there was only one day left for them to do it before the challenge came to an end for the semester since graduation was in a few weeks. Izuku had the school get every single person to the stadium since he wanted to fight them all in one go and the school allowed it since they knew the result for Izuku's fight. Of course the duo weren't allowed to challenge everyone in one go and had to go up the ranks but the people were already going to be on hand anyway so they could just keep going up the ranks no matter what until they couldn't anymore.

The results were just as Izuku and everyone in the knowledge of his quirk expected as with one wave of his hand he dropped the entire student body of the school down to the floor in a mere second as you could see bodies on top of each other. Sadato, who of course was the homeroom teacher of the trio just chuckled at seeing all of the bodies on the floor and wondered if Izuku would be more of a combat hero in the future as he grew more or would he stay as primarily focused on healing. The reason Izuku as always held that he would focus on healing above all else was due to trauma related issues of the Corona family forcing Izuku to kill with his quirk which made him hate his quirk deep down to a point but as time moved on he has become more combat focused at the same time as healing victims as he would always multi task so Sadato was happy for Izuku but always did wonder how it would play out further into the future as the trauma became less present in his mind.

Anyway, as the teachers and now Izuku were sitting down on the side, they watched as Ozy and Zahara raced each other to the top since it more or less became a competition to see who would end up in the second place position because neither were foolish enough to challenge Izuku for the top spot since even they would drop in a wave of a hand. Izuku watched and compared his lovers to their past self's when they first went through the competition at the end of the last year and he noticed their attacks were far more refined and used less energy or showiness to everything that they did. As world heroes they were less focused on individual ranking in a country and more on getting the job done and results quickly since they didn't really compete for a rank on the world stage. Why should world heroes compete amongst each other on the world stage when they were already at the top of the food chain in regards to heroics? Heroes like All Might may be more famous than a good number of World Heroes but when a World Hero steps into a country the commission of that country concedes its authority to the agents of the World Hero Association because in the end it's the World Hero Association that holds the true power in the world. Sadly, its hands are full most of the time so bad actors tend to pop up all of the time which needs to be squashed when given the chance.

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