Chapter 7: The Underground Prince

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3rd POV:

It has been half a year now as Izuku was heading into the Winter break for his school and many things have changed over the course of this semester. Izuku himself due to holding his mask to hide his true emotions and expressions had become somewhat of an outcast in his class and school but he doesn't get bullied for it. No, it just that people don't invite him to do things or attempt to make friends with him because they only see him as a cold and indifferent individual who is too hard to approach and so far no one has been willing to attempt to break down his walls as everyone is to put off by him to even attempt in the first place. Other things that have started to change is the fact that Izuku has been working more in the Corona Family's line of work even though Izuku wishes he didn't have to do so but he knew better than to try to resist since he wasn't being forced to kill someone or anything.

No, what Rage was having Izuku do was gain experience in using his quirk on family members down in the medical wing, or Rage would sell off his services to be used by other organizations that would page large sums of money for healing services for individuals that were critically injured and couldn't simply be taken to a hospital due to the fact that they were criminals or highly wanted villains by the government. As such, if they appeared in a hospital then they would be arrested before treatment really begun even if they did end up getting their life saved they didn't want to go to prison! As such, Rage saw it as a way to earn a large amount of income for the family via using Izuku's healing quirk but also spreading Izuku's name and influence but Rage isn't stupid in actually giving out Izuku's real name especially since they use it for his schooling and everything else.

No, Izuku had what would be called a villain name as well now and the name he decided on personally was Grace and there were several reasons why Izuku decided to go with this as his new name in the underworld. One of the reasons was because he wanted to feel as if he was doing good and if his name appealed to him as he was a saving grace to individuals that he was healing then he must be doing good things even though in his mind he knew those that he was going to be healing would go back out and cause harm to others. He couldn't let himself get stuck by those thoughts and the second reason was that one day he hoped that he would be given a saving grace himself to allow him to break free of the Corona Family though that reason was just a whimsical one in his mind.

As time passed, Izuku's quirk grew stronger and faster every single time he used it to heal people as when he first used it on that first day of training it took him a few minutes to heal just bruising and very small cuts on his body but now Izuku could healing a large gash that was lethal in about 5 minutes now so he was improving quite well as he was really only limited currently by the lack of available life energy sources so Rage made sure all of the places that Izuku would perform his services would be near a forest or several large trees so that Izuku wouldn't have to use his own personal life energy or others since it would be bad for business if he killed someone from the other side to heal another one on the other parties side.

As such by the end of the first school semester, there were rumors going around the underground of the Saving Grace or the Prince of the Underground that would heal individuals for the right amount of money and it didn't matter how bad the wound was. Izuku was quite sure these so-called rumors had been started by the Corona Family themselves without many people even realizing that they were being somewhat played because the more famous that Izuku was in the underground than the more money that Rage could end up charging other villains for the use of Izuku's healing abilities. Though Izuku hates to admit it he had to agree what Rage was doing was smart since it meant that the family was acquiring a real easy revenue source that didn't involve much work on others outside of Izuku who tended to be exhausted by the end of his quirk usage.

Though Izuku guesses he had to be thankful for this as well since it was giving him practice with his quirk as he was getting better and better at it and could use it for his own would much easier for whenever he was injured due to an event or because the training had gotten too rough. Now speaking about the training itself, Izuku was starting to show a lot more muscles on his body as the process was not being rushed but was done slowly and with thought as his body was having really defined muscles without bulking up greatly as it was unhealthy to quickly put on so much muscle without doing it in stages. As such, Izuku was starting to get a body fit for someone that was focused on speed and maneuverability rather than pure raw strength.

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