Chapter 5: Branded & Documents

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3rd POV:

Several weeks have gone by in the flash of an eye for Izuku Midoriya as he explored the new environment that he was in now but all of the training that Izuku had been starting to do has helped pass the time as well. Now you may ask why would Izuku decide to devote far more extra time to doing a training on the side outside of the already preplanned training since it would only just speed up the day that Izuku would end up getting used by the Boss (Rage) for healing services or potentially even getting involved in more direct criminal activities that Izuku would hate to be apart of? Well, the reason that Izuku is doing this is that a few days ago after Izuku's introduction to the family there was a special ceremony that Izuku went through as all new members must undergo and this ceremony was the branding ceremony! 

During this so-called ceremony, Izuku was required to accept the branding of the family's emblem upon his body, and luckily due to Izuku's unique position, he was given the choice of where he wanted the said emblem to be placed on his body. The one he would be given was slightly different from the normal member's brands that they received but this one showed that he was a member of the executives and honestly Izuku of course didn't want to have a permanent mark on his body that would always remind him of the fact that he had no true freedom but only an illusion of freedom. In the end, Izuku decided to have the mark placed on his left bicep near his heart for several reasons. One, having it on his chest would allow him to hide it by wearing clothing over it and two it would be a reminder to him always that the family controlled him by having a more literal hold of his heart to control him due to having the pulse bomb near his heart. The mark that he was being given looked like this;

Overall, getting a tattoo marked onto his bicep did hurt quite a bit for a child at his age as his skin was a bit more sensitive than an adult's but the process had finally come to an end

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Overall, getting a tattoo marked onto his bicep did hurt quite a bit for a child at his age as his skin was a bit more sensitive than an adult's but the process had finally come to an end. After the mark was finished and the others left the room since they had witnessed the ceremony being completed, Butler Leon grabbed some medical cloth to wrap around Izuku's chest to cover the mark until it fully healed up though if Izuku really wanted to he could just steal some life energy from a tree and speed up the healing but that wouldn't really make the tattoo dry quicker though in his mind. Though Izuku was in for a talk from the butler who decided to give Izuku some personal advice that he believed Izuku needed so that Izuku could survive in this new environment that he was in now. As such, Lean sat down and started to talk as he kept covering the mark.

"Izuku, let me give you some advice that will help you survive the family, the underworld, and even the world itself. Hide your true emotions behind a mask of indifference or even coldness as there are those in this world that will gladly use your kindness and large heart to manipulate you and take advantage of you without even caring a little bit. As such, perfect your mask and let only those that you love, trust, or care deeply for seeing behind the mask you put up. In this world, strength is what matters the most and is what allows you to decide your own future because you were weak you were taken advantage of and sold by your father. Because you were weak your mother died. Because you were weak you had a bomb placed next to your heart. Because you were weak you have no true freedom. As such, I suggest you take advantage of the resources that are being provided to you and grow stronger so that you never regret another what if because you were weak." Butler Leon said as he stood up and started to leave the room while he left a shocked and confused Izuku in the room.

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