Chapter 10: Friendship?

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3rd POV:

Izuku is pretty sure he made a stupid decision today and one that he is already regretting due to all of the stares that he was getting from everyone now due to the said decision he had made earlier but first let's jump back to what happened so we all understand what has happened. It has been about a week since the rumors began about Izuku and the duo who Izuku knows as Ozy Dias and Zahra Rashida had begun. Izuku had decided that it was time for a face-to-face conversation of what they exactly wanted from him. As such, once lunchtime came rolling around Izuku stepped into the lunch line right next to both of the other children and spoke, "I think it's time we have a talk about everything and clear the air between us. This way there are no more confusing matters left unanswered between us in regards to everything that has happened this semester." Izuku said but before they could even respond to his statement Izuku took his food and walked away towards the door where he had entered from. Standing at the door he turned around and looked at both of them as a sign for them to follow him as he wanted this to be a private conversation and he was sure they would want it to be private as well which they indeed wanted it to be private.

After walking for a few minutes outside of the school building yet while still on the school property, they were all now located at the spot that Izuku had located during the start of the second semester though this thought of having found this place at the start of the second semester terrified him ab it. The reason may seem silly to some but to Izuku it terrified him a bit since they were getting a lot closer to the summer break which meant that it would be nearly an entire year since Izuku had found himself in this entire situation. This terrified him of how much as changed in his life and how desensitized he had become to this new life that he now lives as all of the blood and scary things no longer terrify him anymore and it had only been less than a year since he was introduced to this life.

Suddenly though Izuku was snapped out of his thoughts by two hands being pressed against his shoulder which of course belonged to Izuku's troublesome duo that has always been stalking him since that day in the park. Though Izuku was confused when he looked at the two of them and noticed that they had faces filled with some concern which honestly was a foreign emotion that Izuku hasn't dealt with in a while due to everything that has happened. You were never shown concern in the family and showing concern was a sign of weakness as whatever you showed concern for would become targeted by others outside of the family or sometimes even inside of the family.

Anyway, that emotion they were showing wasn't used much with him so it caught him a bit off guard as he ended up stirring his words out a bit when he asked them why they were looking at him with concern but the answer made something in him twist a bit. Both of them told Izuku that they could see past his mask and that they were worried about him since he was their friend. At that point, it felt as if Izuku's mind came to a complete standstill and bluescreened like a computer would due to what they had just said to him. 'They are concerned about me and can see past my mask?' was the thought that was going inside of Izuku's mind until he realized that they had just called him their friend like the rumors were saying around the school. Izuku though just ended up staring at the two of them as if they were complete idiots and they were somewhat in his mind because he never agreed to become friends with them at all.

Though as both of them just stared right back at Izuku he started to have the urge of rolling his eyes but instead, Izuku just outright called them both idiots for declaring him as a friend when he hasn't even agreed with it. Sadly for Izuku both of them just shrugged at his comments and then asked if he wanted to be friends since he was concerned about if he had agreed to it or not which just made Izuku want to roll his eyes even more but he had a mask of indifference to maintain even though they claimed to be able to see past it. Both of the children continued to ignore Izuku's stare of contempt that he was holding with his eyes but it seemed as if they weren't affected by it so he spoke up again. "What if I say no?" Izuku asked and then Zahra spoke up and gave Izuku options to choose from which honestly wasn't a choice as she gave him either yes or well yes... as such they just stood there in silence at that statement of options before Izuku tried to back away from the conversation and leave but sadly for him they both grabbed ahold of him and dragged him down to the ground. 

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