Chapter 17: Fighting to Breath

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3rd POV:

Hours before the scene we saw with Izuku where he was in the cold and damp room being beaten by members of the Corona crime family or Rage himself, we could find the heroes all gathered in a large meeting room. With them was commanding officers from several police officers from all of the nearby police stations as this was going to be a massive raid that would be performed this night. Looking around the room it was clear that everyone that was involved in this mission was on the edge of their seat due to their nerves and fears because it wasn't every day that you plan to take on the number one villain organization along side the number one villain himself. Aker: The Sand Hero (Ozy's father) took a breath in as he prepared to speak to everyone as even he knew this mission had a high risk of death for a lot of them. "My fellow heroes and officers, I know a lot of this has been rushed but due to the issues surrounding this case we could not wait any longer. The individual responsible for providing the information we needed to even perform this raid has gone out of contact as it is feared that they were caught by Rage." Aker said as he displayed an image of Izuku Midoriya as he explained a glimpse of Izuku's life for those that didn't know or weren't involved in the main details of the case.

"The main goal of this raid is the successful retrieval of Izuku Midoriya alive but we are not blind to the fact that he may already be dead if he truly did get caught by Rage. We do hold hope that he only went through some sort of punishment or something unrelated to our attack but we need to be prepared to find his body as well." Aker said and everyone nodded their heads. After a bit more of them all going over the final details they started to head out into the convey of trucks waiting for them behind the warehouse where they were staging out of. It was in an ideal position away from the public eye but also kept them close enough to where the Corona family was located at. As they were about half way into their drive towards the compound, Anhur took his phone out and texted his daughter Zahra and alerted her and Ozy that the raid was about to start so that they knew what was going on. It was apart of their promise to their kids to ensure they stayed at Aker's home with both of the mothers who could keep an eye on the children and help keep them calm as well.

It felt like hours since they had gotten into the trucks but it had only been about an 40 minutes since they had sat off from the warehouse. However, they now were at the compound and everyone was quick to action as they jumped out of the trucks even if they weren't fully stopped as every single person knew that they didn't have even a few seconds to spare during this mission. Seconds could mean life or death in the event that Izuku Midoriya was still alive because if he was and Rage had any hint of Izuku tipping them off then Izuku was dead if he wasn't already. The compound doors were quickly blow apart as they entered into the castle themed building and thankfully they had the floorplans that Izuku provided so that they knew how to get to the underground sections of the compound quickly.

 The compound doors were quickly blow apart as they entered into the castle themed building and thankfully they had the floorplans that Izuku provided so that they knew how to get to the underground sections of the compound quickly

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The guards in the building were putting up a large amount of resistance towards the heroes as the alarms were going off nonstop right after they entered the building since someone triggered them. Though for Aker and Anhur they both didn't even spare much attention to any of these members as they were more focused on locating Izuku Midoriya. The place that they decided to check out first was none other than his bedroom but when they arrived they were disappointed in the fact that they didn't find him but what worried them the most was the fact that things appeared as if they were in the process of being boxed up which created horrible thoughts in their minds. They could only think about the fact that the villains wouldn't have a need to box all of Izuku's stuff up if he was still needing that room so they started to assume the worst as they changed their objective from directedly finding Izuku to finding Rage.

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