Chapter 18: Aftermath and Worries

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3rd POV:

Izuku has lived a life that was always under the control of someone else since his mothers death all of those years ago and he honestly didn't know what to do with the fact that he was now free at the age of 14 years which was five entire years that he spent under the Corona crime family. Now though all of the members that had been present at the main compound had been placed under arrest expect Butler Leon which honestly didn't surprise Izuku one bit. Though Rage and most of the executives were caught, a few executives were not at the compound during the raid so they were still out in the world free to keep the crime family going but Izuku knew that the group would end up splintering for quite some time so they were not going to be a threat to his life any time soon. Now outside of those executives, Izuku knew that Butler Leon would likely have a hand in keeping the crime family still going and Izuku knew the man could come after him but doubted that the Butler would do so or at least any time soon. Something about Butler Leon always bothered Izuku and it was the fact that the man was far stronger than Rage when he used a large amount of anger from other people to fuel his quirk.

It was also the fact that Butler Leon was the one that trained Izuku most of the time so Izuku knew the man was quite capable so he wasn't shocked when he was told of the mans escape from the raid. There was also the fact that Butler Leon never even showed his quirk to anyone and Izuku doubted even Rage knew what quirk the man had as Leon was around before Rage even took the family over from his parents. Now though enough about them as we move forward with everything that was going on as the raid had come to an end. Once the raid came to an end, the heroes had taken Izuku from the compound to a hospital that was highly secured and specialized in treating heroes which Izuku qualified for since he was a long-term victim from a highly lethal crime family. Of course Izuku being Izuku, he tried to deny going to the hospital as he had already healed himself from all of his wounds and starvation that he had gone through the past few days. Though he ran out of luck when the hero that had found him in the cold and damp room alerted everyone to the state of his body before he was able to heal himself which made them push for Izuku to go to the hospital which he kept refusing to do so. It wasn't until Ozy and Zahra were put on a video chat with him once again that he gave up and agreed to go to the hospital as he promised he would meet them there.

This was how Izuku found himself in the hospital bed with Ozy and Zahra on both of his sides fast asleep as exhaustion from staying up and worrying caused them to crash once they could visibly see and feel that he was safe. Izuku had odd feelings in his stomach with them laying in the same bed against him like this but he quickly put them out of his mind as he had other things to think over which caused him to be trapped in his thoughts. The topic that Izuku had started to think over was the fact that he had just realized that even though he was now free from the Corona crime family he was now homeless without any money to his name! This presented many problems for Izuku that he was trying to figure out in his mind as he didn't want to be a burden to anyone. There was the fact that he could end up being sent back to Japan as well which he didn't know how he felt about that at all. It was where his mother had died and he unknowingly murdered his own fath-- Hisashi. Even though he had some good memories with his mother in Japan, overall he didn't like the thought of going back to a country he barely even knew nowadays and there was the fact that Japan was highly quirkest and treated him horribly when he was still deemed quirkless.

There was the Bakugo's back in Japan but Izuku one didn't want to become a burden for them and two he was pretty sure they thought he was dead so that would be opening a old wound for them that he didn't really want to go through as he knew he had his own issues to deal with. Also, it had been five years since he had seen them and they had likely long forgotten about the green hair kid that went missing years ago and got declared dead as he learned recently from what the duo had dug up when they searched Japans news about his case. Now don't get Izuku wrong, he had some connection to them but he just didn't feel attached to them as they had now become strangers in his mind so he didn't really want to be sent back to Japan to their care because it would be burdensome for them to care for a child with a large amount of issues that Izuku knew he had. You don't spend five years as a prisoner of a large crime family while seeing death on a regular basis and not walk away without issues.

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