Chapter 25: Destination Egypt

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3rd POV:

Extending his arms out, Izuku yawned and stretched as he had woken up in the private bedroom that was in the back portion of the plane which he was sharing with Ozy and Zahra. They had left American later in the day and it took them about thirteen hours of flying to arrive in the Egypt's capital of Cairo which Cairo is the largest city of Egyptian country. Though the sights were amazing as Izuku looked out of the window as they started to descend closer towards the earth, Izuku was just too tired overall to really get excited at the sights due to the time zone change between American and here as it was still dark out as they arrived in the country as night had already descended upon it. Izuku knew that was going to be one of the biggest challenges related to being a hero through the world hero association because the heroes need to adjust quickly to the shifts in time zones else they will never be on time to things in whatever country that they have arrived in. "I told you all that you shouldn't have gone to sleep when you did because now you need to work even harder at sleeping soon again so you can wake up in the morning." Said their homeroom teacher who saw them all walk into the living portion of the airplane and greeted them as the man himself had already started to prepare for the shift in time zones since he had slept when they first left and stayed awake the rest of the time to drain his body of energy.

Izuku just rolled his eyes a bit as he grabbed some coffee but before he could drink it, Ozy grabbed it out of his hands and told him that would only make it worst so he poured the coffee down the drain. "I hate you..." Izuku said as he turned away from Ozy but Ozy wasn't having it as he pulled Izuku back into a hug and said it was for the best that he didn't drink coffee even though he knew Izuku truly wanted it. Izuku just pouted a bit and then turned around as he hugged Ozy back with a small pout. "You owe me lots of coffee later... I want it black as my soul." Izuku said and Zahra said that he wanted it just to be milk then which made Izuku roll his eyes one more time as he feels like he has been rolling them nonstop since he got up already.

After a bit more time, the captain of the aircraft alerted them that they needed to clean up and sit down since they would be landing in the next 30 minutes. This got them all moving and cleaned up any messes they had made after they had woken up. As they sat down and waited for the landing, they asked their homeroom teacher what the mission in Egypt was going to be since he was the one given all of the details when the agents saw them off from the airport in America. Sadato (Hero Name: Haze) nodded his head and said that the mission goal was to weed out a string of villain groups that have been causing issues in the deserted areas surrounding the lower portion of the Nile river in Egypt as these groups have been disturbing the operations of the dams that control the flow to the rest of the upper Nile river which feeds all of the cities along the river. The villains have even gained control of one of the main damns for a brief period of time before being pushed out back into the desert but they have gone on long enough that the country government and hero commission has asked for the World Hero Association to provide people better suited for the job.

The World Hero Association believed that this mission was perfect for the trio due to the fact that Izuku could render the villains unable to fight while Ozy and Zahra would be able to provide heavy defensive and offensive abilities in the desert due to their quirks. Of course, there was the goal of getting Izuku to push himself by being in a hostile environment as well to help him expand his usage of his quirk in environments that don't favor him from the start. The trio all nodded their heads as they listened to everything their teacher was providing them in regards to the mission and were already formulating things that they could do in case they encounter the villains in an ambush or something else. This was due to the fact that they had no idea of the local terrain even if it was a lot of sand that they would be going through as it would be extreme hostile environmental conditions on top of possibly getting attacked by unknown threats with limited information about their enemies quirks since the local government didn't have much on these groups of villains. The only real information that they have is primarily sourced from the time that the villain groups had gained control over the damn since they were able to pull video footage and gain some information. Otherwise the only things that they know is that the groups have quite a few quirks related to sand control or wind control since those were common quirks in this country.

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