Makoto Nanaya punches her way through Death Battle

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Name: Makoto Nanaya

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Name: Makoto Nanaya

Origin: BlazBlue

Height: 5'4.2"

Weight: 108 Ibs

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown (Likely late teens or early twenties)

Classification: Demi-Human (Human-Squirrel Hybrid)


Ann: We've seen plenty of half animal half humans, but none were as carefree as Makoto Nanaya!

Junko: She's the best friend of both Tsubaki and Noel, whom we already saw in action last season. But unlike those two, she doesn't need a special weapon to get the job done! She has her fist!

 But unlike those two, she doesn't need a special weapon to get the job done! She has her fist!

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Kokonoe: Right. She's strong enough to hold her own against Tager, who can survive atmospheric re-entry and move at Mach 9,110.

Ann: She's also incredibly durable! Able to take hits from top-tiers like Hazama and Ragna, who can dodge giant lasers from Take-Mikazuchi! And she held her own against Es! Whose own power dwarfed that of the Take-Mikazushi!

Kokonoe: Well, she didn't beat her but she was at least able to keep up with her.

Junko(teacher): She's also really smart, being the lieutenant of the NOL's intelligence department, she's fully capable of gathering and relaying enemy intelligence. She could even tell Hazama was untrustworthy from a glance and successfully smuggled confidential information on the NOL to Sector Seven for years before finally getting caught.

Kokonoe: But whats most impressive is her sheer willpower. Makoto can push through extreme amounts of pain to continue fighting, especially if her friends lives are on the line.

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