Announcement! Old Host Return!

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*Dizzy and Akame walk into the room*

Akame: This place brings back memories.

Dizzy: Um... why are we here?

Junko: *Wearing Kokonoe's lab coat* Oh, hey guys!

Dizzy: Junko? Why are you wearing Kokonoe's lab coat?

Junko: Oh don't worry, she won't know. She's on break anyway.

Akame: On break?

Junko: As you all may know, it's the Boss's birthday! And after talking with the boss, we both agreed it would be nice to celebrate with the old cast for a bit.

Dizzy: Wait... so that means!

Junko: That's right! The next 7 or 8 battles will be celebration battles hosted by the original cast! Who knows, if you guys are good enough the Boss might think about giving you your jobs back!

Akame: I see... so, where do we begin?

Junko: Puhuhu... Next time on Death Battle!

Hakumen: Who are you?

Sephiroth: ...Your despair...

A warrior returns with a worthy opponent

A warrior returns with a worthy opponent

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Hakumen vs Sephiroth

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Hakumen vs Sephiroth

Wattpad Death Battle Season 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora