Raven Branwen fights for her tribe in Death Battle

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Name: Raven Branwen

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Name: Raven Branwen

Origin: RWBY

Gender: Female

Age: Likely in her 30s (Is slightly older than Qrow)

Classification: Human, Former Huntress, Tribe Leader, Spring Maiden


Kokonoe: Beacon Academy was an interesting school filled with people wanting to be Huntsman. However, not everyone wants to be a Huntsman or Huntress for the same reason. Some want it for the fame and glory while others want it for the money. Raven wanted to become a Huntress to learn to kill Huntsman for her tribe, alongside her brother Qrow.

Junko: But don't worry, she managed to be a member of Team STRQ and made some new friends! But then she realized that the headmaster of Beacon was hiding stuff and lying. She decided to look into these lies and the more she did, the more she realized how cruel her world really is.

Kokonoe: This caused her to go against Ozpin and return to her tribe as its new leader, more concerned about the greater threat that is Salem.

Ann: Luckily she's super strong.

Ann: She's able to clash with Qrow, who is strong enough to smash through large stone structures and crater the ground

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Ann: She's able to clash with Qrow, who is strong enough to smash through large stone structures and crater the ground.

Kokonoe: She can also scale to other maidens like Cinder, who fought on even grounds with Penny. Penny herself is strong enough to lift Amity Communications Tower.

Ann: She's really fast too, capable of dodging bullets. She's also much faster than Emerald and Mercury, both of whom can dodge lightning.

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