Sephiroth will send Death Battle into Darkness

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Name: Sephiroth

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Name: Sephiroth

Origin: Final Fantasy VII

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 191 Ibs

Gender: Male

Age: Early to mid-20s (Crisis Core and Before Crisis) | Late 20s, physically early to mid-20s (FFVII)

Classification: 1st Class SOLDIER, Human Infused with JENOVA's DNA, Hero, Fallen Hero


Akame: Unstoppable warrior, unrivaled swordsman and brilliant tactician, Sephiroth played a fundamental role in ending the war against the faraway land of Wutai, solidifying his reputation as the undisputed best warrior to have ever been in SOLDIER, the Shinra Electric Power Company's private military. He was even held by the people as the hero who inspired many to join Shinra's lines, among whom were Genesis Rhapsodos and Cloud Strife.

Junko: Buuuut not everything was glory for the guy with long, luxurious hair. The company's corrupt side and their unethical practices, as well as being little more than their propaganda tool began to wear away Sephiroth's state of mind. It didn't help that his two friends died and he was forced to resign after one last mission.

Dizzy: That mission, however, made everything turn for the worse as he discovered that he was a genetic experiment using an ancient lifeform called Jenova.

Junko: In other words, his birth itself was with the purpose to be Shinra's tool through the use of the biological material of what was presumed to be a Cetra, an ancient being connected to the Planet itself!

Dizzy: This discovery broke Sephiroth even further, leading him to turn against humanity and declare him and Jenova the true, worthy rulers of the planet. Thus, what's once was a great hero has now fallen into humanity's greatest threat.

Akame: His weapon of choice is his Masamune blade.

Akame: His weapon of choice is his Masamune blade

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