65: Forget

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I shouldn't be allowed to draw anymore. You thought it would stop at catboy ranboo, well it didn't. I give you buff tubbo. Some might even say tubuff.

Why am I here 💀💀. Also rip so I'll also number dyslexic and I pressed the wrong numbers into the vending machine and got nothing 😭😭.

Anyway enjoy!!

Tommy laughed as he read what she signed. Wilbur rolled his eyes and went back to looking at his phone.

"When can I have a girlfriend?" Tubbo whined Y/n chuckled.

"I'm just saying, but I know a sexy redhead who's into brunettes." Y/n said, Phil laughed as Tubbo's face lit up.

"WAIT ACTUALLY??!!" Tubbo said excitedly, Tommy heard stared at him confused. Y/n signed to him what had happened. Tommy rolled his eyes.

"I mean sure, I'll hook you up later." Y/n winked, Tubbo smiled and went back to his phone.

"You two are weird." Wilbur scoffed, Y/n chuckled. She opened up her phone to see her Twitter was blowing up.

Tommy noticed the same, a ding came from her phone as she scrolled through replies.

"Oh shit that's a lot of people." Y/n marveled at her phone as the "followers" category went higher and higher.

"What?" Tommy asked, he heard her muffled voice. Y/n signed what she saw on her phone.

"The fans are crying that's why." Tubbo said, Y/n chuckled.

"Let's just say they are lucky they aren't dating this dumbass." Y/n joked, everyone expect Tommy laughed.

"I'm going to check my messages." Y/n said and signed to Tommy.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Tommy said, but it was too late. Y/n checked it.

Her eyes skimmed over the phone, she smiled at the funny and nice replies. As well as notes congratulating her and Tommy. As she scrolled a message caught her eye.

She quickly read it, her smile quickly faded. She felt her throat go dry as she read.

Tommy noticed her face and pushed the phone towards him so he could read it. As he read it his brows furrowed, his mouth refrained from making an angry frown. But his face was filled with disgust.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Tommy yelled grabbed the phone out of Y/n's hand, he scrolled through messages.

Death threats.

Lots of them.

A shit ton of them.

Y/n reached for the phone but Tommy had a tight grip on the phone. He blocked every single message that ridiculed Y/n.

Phil noticed the air thickened, he looked back for a second to see Tommy's angry expression.

"What happened?" Phil asked concerned, Tommy's fist clenched harder next to him.

"Hey Toms, it's fine it doesn't matter."
Y/n signed, Tommy ignored her and once he was done blocking he handed the phone back to her.

"What happened?" Tubbo asked, Y/n gulped. Tommy whispered to Tubbo his eyes widened. He placed a hand on Y/n's knee and comforted her at 5e best of his abilities.

"Hey don't worry, they are just jealous." Tubbo said, Phil and Wilbur caught in to what was happening and decided to give Y/n some space with just her and the two boys.

"Thanks Tubs." Y/n smiled, she shoved her phone in her pocket. Tubbo gave her a soft smile I'm return.

"Think that's enough internet for today." Y/n smiled, Tommy ran his fingers through her hair. Y/n sighed and closed her eyes, Tommy looked down at her, he just wanted to look at her soft face before turning to see the road.

He'd forgotten all about a lot of things. These past two weeks had been a getaway for him and Y/n. Y/n's step dad being held in custody, Y/n's mom happily tending to the house, which she was finally free from.

Tommy had forgotten about his anxiety when on the road, he'd forgotten about going deaf when he was with her. Every time he was with her he would forget, some might call that obsession but Tommy defined it as love.

He really did love her, and nothing could really change that. Twitter coimero even break them apart, he would go to the ends of the Earth just to hold her hand. And Y/n knew this, and cherished this moment. Just the white noise of the road.

The soft sounds of the radio, and warm touch of a loved one. Combing through Y/n's hair. Focusing on the memories. Tommy quickly bent down and wrapped his arms around her head, she shuffled in his lap.

Tommy smiled and kissed her top of her head, she gave a soft smile and opened her left eye to peek out at the tall blond. She closed he eyes again and with a smile kissed him quickly.

"Love you." Y/n signed, Tommy smiled and mumbled it in her ear. She s,lied and dozed off.

I've got the good old case of the butterflies when I wrote this. Why? Because I simp for Tommy, even if I write the fan fiction doesn't mean I can't enjoy it too. Even tho I know how it ends, rip.

Much love to editor: ZWildcatBard

Word count: 873


Can You Speak Up? (Deaf Tommy AU) Tommyinnit x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now