29: Five Minutes

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Ayo my babes!! I'm back baby!! How yall doing this fine morning/evening/night?? Anyway don't forget to hydrate, eat food you shits. And wear a mask, but anyway here is content.

Bye love you!!!! <33333 :)


Could've fooled me," Tommy said. Y/n rolled her eyes and pulled Tommy's face down to kiss him. Once she leaned away, his face was flushed red.

"You little shits!" Phil said from nowhere, stunned. Tommy looked up in a panic.

"PHIL??!!" Tommy yelled. Y/n covered her face in embarrassment.

"You two are dating!!" Phil said happily, laughing.

"Please, Phil, don't tell the others," Y/n pleaded. Phil's laughter died down.

"I won't. You guys have at least 5 minutes until the others come back. I'll stall them, and I'll leave you two alone." Phil winked and stepped out the car.

Y/n and Tommy looked at each other before bursting out laughing.

"I mean you heard him, we've got five minutes," Y/n said. Tommy rolled his eyes. His face softened.

"Don't you think this is going all a little too fast?" Tommy asked her with worry. Y/n sighed.

"If you think so I'll tone it down." Although it broke her heart to say, she wouldn't mind.

"No not like that. I mean like with everything that's gone on. I mean you getting hurt, us getting together, the vacation. Don't you think it's been going way too fast?" Tommy asked. Y/n took a deep breath in.

"We aren't officially girlfriend and boyfriend, so we'll just keep it at dating for now, alright?" Y/n queried. Tommy nodded.

"I'll tone it down too, that means no cuddles, no kisses, no nose kisses," Y/n joked. Tommy rolled his eyes again.

"Ok, maybe not that toned down," Tommy said with a laugh, and Y/n chuckled. She reached out her hand ruffle Tommy's hair. He smirked and threw her hair on her face.

She blew it off while laughing, then everyone opened the car doors and jumped in.

"We're back!" Phil announced, stretching his back before hopping in the drivers seat.

"Well, 20 minutes to go," Wilbur said. Everyone was excited to finally make it.

"Buckle back up!" Tubbo said with a smile. Y/n lifted her legs to rest them on Tubbos lap. His smile quickly faded.

"Dammit I forgot." He pouted. Y/n laughed as the car started up, rumbling to life.

(Editor Orange - hah sucks to suck, also hello Mokke :))

Tommy and Y/n were whispering to each other the entire ride, which intrigued Tubbo.

"What are you two even talking about?" He leaned in, making them pause their talking.

"Nothing, stop being clingy,"  Tommy said, Tubbo glared at him.

"We were just talking about the people I haven't met yet, I wanted to know a little about them first," Y/n replied. Tubbo eyed her suspiciously but didn't say anything.

"Why are you so good at lying?" Tommy whispered.

"It's what happens when you have an abusive stepdad," Y/n joked. Tommy chuckled and immediately felt bad for laughing.

"That's not funny," he said covering his mouth. Y/n shook her head with a smile.

"It is to meeeee!" Y/n said, booping Tommy's nose.

(E/n: Can someone boop me? I have an idiot bf who might get murdered, I'll boop you back - guys suck)

(A/n: I haven't seen my gf in a while, we live pretty far away and my parents don't know we are dating.)

"Hey, you two love birds! We're here!" Wilbur told them. Tommy looked up as the car parked. Tubbo's door opened.

"TUBBO!" Ranboo yelled and hugged Tubbo. The boy got out the car so he could chat with Ranboo.

"Hmm who are these love birds in here?" Dream asked poking his head in the car. Y/n got up from Tommy lap.

"Oh shut up dream, you twat," Tommy said and stuck his tongue out. Dream ignored him and reached out his hand for Y/n to shake. She happily complied.

"Well at least I know you're Dream, I thought people weren't supposed to see your face?" Y/n asked, eyes drawing over his emerald green ones and dirty blond hair. Dream shrugged.

"Yeah, but I have an exception with friends," he said. Y/n stepped out the car with Tommy following behind her.

"Gogy?" She pointed to a brunette who was talking to Phil.

"Did she just say Gogy? Is that all you taught her Tommy?" Dream asked wheezing. George turned around to see Y/n.

"Oh hey Y/n." he said. Y/n waved and looked over to her side.

"Who might you be?" she asked pointing to another brunette. This one was wearing a white cap and a black hoodie with the word 'Sapnap' in flames.

"The hottest man you'll ever see," he said with a smirk. Y/n desperately wanted to reply with 'But not as hot as Tommy', but she refrained from saying it and instead laughed.

"No that's Samsung refrigerator, aka Sapnap," Tommy said. Y/n laughed at the nickname.

(E/n: I actually have a friend called Sammy that I call Samsung...he doesn't talk to as much as everyone else :))

(A/n: I have a friend named Sam too, but we don't call her any nicknames. But maybe I should start? 0-0)

"Samsung refrigerator?" Y/n repeated. Sapnap rolled his eyes and let out a small laugh.

"Don't ask." She nodded and looked at the tall man who was still talking to Tubbo.

"Oh hi you're Y/n, Tommy tells me all about you," he politely said. He was wearing a black and white mask and sunglasses covered his eyes.

"Yup! Tubbo talks about you a lot too, I'm guessing your Ranboo?" Y/n asked with the same tone, he nodded and shook Y/n's hand. She walked over to Tommy, who was yelling at Wilbur about something. She noticed a beautiful woman with bubble gum hair and pretty eyeliner, so she assumed it was Niki.

"Oh hi! Tommy told me about you, and so did Will," the pretty woman said. Y/n shook her hand.

"You're very pretty, Will talked about you. He thinks we'd get along well," Y/n said chuckling, Niki softly laughed.

"I bet, you seem very sweet. And thank you, you look very pretty yourself." Y/n blushed in embarrassment as she noticed she was dressed in plain jeans and an old shirt. But she still accepted the compliment.

Then she heard another car pull up and the door open. Every turned their heads to see two people walk out.


(E/n: Guys, girls, and nonbinary swirls, I got headpats :)
Swirls? Why the heck did I say swirls - that's my new motto, I give you all cinnamon rolls now. Enjoy)

Ayy hope you enjoy, I'm tired guys so Im going to call it a day. Byeeeeee love you guys and eat, hydrate because you guys deserve it!! Get some sleep, and you look awfully pretty today. And if your a guy, same things apply!! Love you guys and gals and non binary pals, plus everything in between! 

Much love to editor: brigHt_orange_juIce

Word count: 1201


Can You Speak Up? (Deaf Tommy AU) Tommyinnit x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now