22: Fuck You

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Hehehehe angst for you bebe.


Idk getting hurt
Touchy subjects???


Y/n and Tommy's face flushed with fear. Y/n reluctantly got up from the chair and walked over to Robert. Tommy could see she was terrified, but the others were clueless.

"Oh hello! It was nice having your daughter over, she's a very lovely lady." Mrs. Simons said. Robert had an annoyed smile before grabbing the wrist of Y/n's hand tightly.

"Step daughter, she's my step daughter. But thank you." He said sternly, Mrs. Simons was caught off guard, but she couldn't really do anything.

"Alright, drive safe! Bye!" Tommy's mom said before closing the door. Tommy's face was in horror.

"You good Tommy?" Freddie asked, taking a big bite out of his food. Tommy snapped out of it and nodded.

"Uh.. yeah sorry just blanked out."

Y/n stayed quiet the whole car ride, she didn't completely understand what was happening. She just kept silent and tried to calm herself.

Once they got home he grabbed her wrist tightly and dragged her into the house. She screamed and tried to kick him off. She was actually retaliating for the first time, but it was for the worse.

"What were you doing there?" He asked behind gritted teeth, Y/n let her tears spill.

"It was just a sleepover. I told mom I was going." Y/n snarled back, he let go of her arm.

"How old are you Y/n?" Robert asked, Y/n inhaled sharply. She didn't know what was stirring up.

"WELL ANSWER GODDAMMIT!!!" He yelled, striking her across the face. She bit her lip to try to numb the pain.

"I'm 16." She said as her eyes burned. All she wanted was Tommy to be here. To comfort her, that's all she wanted.

"You're disgusting. I'm only here for the money the government provides for your stupid mother! I don't want you having friends to vent to, YOU HEAR ME?!!" He ranted, Y/n nodded with tears in her eyes.

"Fuck you." She spat, Robert furrowed his brow. He raised his hand ready to strike her.

But he was cut off by Y/n's mother charging in. She seemed to be on the phone, she wasn't able to hear them but Y/n's mother had had enough. Y/n marveled at the fear in Robert's eyes.

She hung up and tears swelled up in her eyes as well.

"What are you doing?" Robert asked, his voice became hoarse and his hands trembled. He looked back at Y/n with an angry look.

"This won't be the fucking last of me." He said angrily. Y/n knew it would take a while before the cops got here. Robert knew he was too deep already, his only sense of morals had completely died.

"You stupid bitches." He said angrily before striking Y/n across the face.

She whimpered at the first one, but he soon resorted to punches. But he only got a couple blows in, since Y/n's mother was holding him back.

Y/n felt dizzy and her head hurt beyond comprehension. The blood trickled from her forehead and lip. She soon felt numb as she heard the policemen scramble through the door.

Her last memory was her head hitting the carpet in her room and her dog hazel whimpering by her feet.

Y/n woke up on a hospital bed, not something she was new to but it still felt strange. Her head spun and her vision went dizzy, but the overwhelming sensation of pain that was in her face.

"Oh hello you're awake." A woman walked in, who she assumed was a doctor. She brought in food on a tray and other various supplies.

"What happened?" Y/n asked, staring at the IV in her wrist.

"The police have apprehended you step father, and you suffered a slight concussion and a fractured nose. You should heal up quickly. You slept through 2 days as well. I wouldn't blame you, I would be tired too." She said typing information down on the computer next to her.

"Do my friends know?" Y/n asked, the doctor looked up and nodded.

"Your mother contacted your friends. If I'm not mistaken you have a visitor later today." She said, Y/n's tired eyes flung open. She had to hold back her excitement, but the pain overwhelmed her body.

"Thank you." Y/n said, the doctor gave a warm smile before walking out. Soon her mother walked in.

"Mom?" She signed with tears in her eyes. Her mother nodded and walked over to give her a hug.

"I'm sorry." She whimpered, or at least she tried to say. It was the first time Y/n had heard her talk, the tears fell out quicker.

"Don't be, mom." Y/n signed, pulling out of the hug. Y/n's mother sat next to her and signed all the details about that morning. It made much more sense at that point, but Y/n was more glad that Robert's torment would die.

"Thank you mom, I'm so glad he's gone." Y/n said, her mother nodded with tears slowly falling down her face. Y/n could tell she felt guilty but she couldn't do anything about it.

"Hello? Is this Y/n's room?" Said a nurse this time, Y/n nodded and a boy walked in. He had a bouquet of flowers in his hand, though once he saw Y/n he put the flowers down on the bed and hugged her.

"Hey toms" Y/n said with tears in her eyes. Her voice trembled. Tommy hugged her as tight as he could.

"Y/N YOU'RE ALRIGHT RIGHT??!" Tommy said, holding her face and inspecting the bandages. Y/n nodded, Y/n's mother got up and winked at Y/n before walking out and giving them some privacy.

Y/n laughed.

"I'm fine, it's just a concussion and  fractured nose." Y/n said chuckling to herself, Tommy on the other hand was horrified.

"DON'T JOKE NOW!!" Tommy said, Y/n laughed as he hugged her.

"But seriously I was worried sick about you." Tommy mumbled. Y/n laughed and pulled Tommy's face in for a quick kiss. Tommy stood there stunned, his face turned bright red.

"And I thank you for that." Y/n said. She pushed Tommy aside and grabbed her cup of jello from the tray.

"Now let me eat my jello in peace"

Jello, how are you?

I'm watching attack on titan, and crying so POGGERS I guess?

And you're welcome for the aNgSt :)

Much love to editor: notreallythoughbro

Word count: 1108


Can You Speak Up? (Deaf Tommy AU) Tommyinnit x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें