37: The Fair

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I DREW OUR BELOVED MUMZA. I absolutely love the character designs and color pallet for her. She's a literal queen and I would die for her.

Also I put skulls in her eyes because I thought that was a cool touch for her goddess of death aesthetic.

Anyway I recently just learned that one of you Mfs prolly read Justin beber fanfics, or did once.

Show yourself 🤨🤨



"Of course it's cuddles" Tommy said, moving the hair from Y/n's face. She chuckled and closed her eyes.

Soon the both of them fell asleep.


Y/n woke up to light knocking on door. She shook Tommy awake and got up to open the door.

"What the fuck Sapnap?" Y/n yawned. He chuckled at the sight of Tommy sprawled on the bed, trying to go back to bed.

"Sorry did I interrupt?" He said slyly. Y/n glared at him, rubbing her tired eyes.

"Yes my beauty sleep." Y/n growled.

"Well, Tommy wake up we are going to the fair today!!" Sapnap yelled. Tommy didn't respond.

"He's deaf you dickhead." Y/n said. Sapnap gasped.

(F/E/N: Dumbass. That's all I can say— also just dance stream today with Karl was a little, interesting)

(A/n: it was very- aha)

"What?" Tommy asked as he placed his hearing aid in.

"We are going to a fair. Get ready." Sapnap said. Still embarrassed.

"Also is that Tommy's hoodie?" Sapnap asked, pointing at Y/n. She looked at her hoodie to see it was Tommy's Dream hoodie.

"Uh yeah I forgot my hoodies at home and it's cold here." Y/n lied. Sapnap raised an eyebrow and left.

"I'll go get changed, be ready when I get back." Y/n said to Tommy as she grabbed her bag and went to the restroom to change.


After everyone split into cars and drove to the fair. There they stopped at a very nice area.

Stands were set up and filled with various fruits and snacks. Vendors sold necklaces and jewelry, while games were played to win prizes.

And rides like Farris wheels and small roller coasters where planted in the midst of all of it.

"Oh wow, there are so many lights." Y/n said. George and Ariadne rolled their eyes.

"Wish I could see it." George mumbled. Ranboo completely forgot George was colorblind and burst out laughing.

"Oh poor Ariadne and George." Phil said laughing. They both rolled their eyes and took in the laughter and talking of the crowd.

"I WANT ICE CREAM!!" Tubbo beamed, yanking Ranboo to the ice cream stand.

Dream team looked at all the various fruit and cooked meats.

"Hey Tommy come with me big guy, Y/n can stay with the others but I want to show you something." Wilbur said, winking to Freddie. He nodded and grabbed Y/n's arm.

(F/E/N: operation fess up)

(A/n: LMAO 💀💀)

Wilbur dragged Tommy to a jewelry shop away from everyone's view.

"Wilbur what are you doing?" Tommy asked as he looked around at all the pretty jewelry and necklaces.

"I want to buy a necklace for Niki, she said she wanted one from here so she could take it home." Wilbur lied. Although he did plan to get her a necklace since she had been such a great friend to him.

"Then why'd you drag me along!?" Tommy asked annoyed.

"Because I need help picking one out, and you might want to get one I don't know you." Wilbur shrugged. Tommy rolled his eyes and looked around.

He spotted a pretty raven pendant from the corner of his eye. The bird had a small white gem as a replacement of the eye, and the bird was a dark black outlines by a silver. He picked it up and quickly bought it.

As the cashier bagged it for him Wilbur came around. He quickly shoved it in his pocket and looked at Wilbur.

"I found one." Wilbur said, holding up a rose quartz pendant which was wrapped in wire and hugged the crystal. It was very pretty.

"Oh wow that's nice." He said, marveling at the crystal. Wilbur nodded and paid for it. They both walked out the store to catch up with the others.

"HELLO!!!" Tubbo yelled happily with a ice cream cone in his hand.

Phil was being the typical dad and making sure everyone was in line and in sight. While Freddie and Ariadne were playing games, with occasionally the Dream Team competing amongst each other and getting into cat fights.

(A/n: among us)

(F/E/N: amongus)

(A/n: I'm sorry I need mental help.)

(F/E/N: I couldn't choose between 'dont we all' and 'me too' to reply)

Y/n waved at Tommy as he walked over back with Wilbur.

"Hey Niki!!" Wilbur waved at her. She turned around and Wilbur gave her the necklace.

"Awww this is so nice, thanks Will." Niki said, admiring the necklace. She put it on and thanked Wilbur once again.

"Did you get one for Y/n?" Freddie taunted. Tommy rolled his eyes.

"Piss off you two." Tommy said. Y/n chuckled as they went over towards the games.


After everyone was full to the brim with food they decided to just play carnival games. And maybe win something.

"Which one you want?" Dream asked George. He pointed to a Pikachu plushie. Dream threw the ring and landed it on the bottle after a few tries.

In short term Dream got George his plushie. Sapnap glared at him and demanded he win one for Sapnap, which soon he was given a panda plushie.

"Which one do you want?" Freddie asked, paying for a couple rings.

"Oh no don't get anything for me I'm not worth it." Ariadne protested. Freddie rolled his eyes.

"Oh come one, you are worth it which one do you want?" He asked. Ariadne sighed and gave in. She pointed to the duck plushie.

Although it took a couple tries he did manage to get the plushie for her. She didn't show it but she was ecstatic about the plushie and clung to it.

"What do you want?" Y/n said, going over to the throwing game. The one where you had to hit the clowns. Tommy rolled his eyes.

"Oh come on you surely want something." Y/n mocked. Tommy rolled his eyes and pointed to the raccoon plushie.

"Aw that's cute, don't worry I'll get it." Y/n said, starting up the game.

She handed him the plushie a few games later.

"Thank me later."

Ahhhhhhhh why am I falling asleep. Tell Brain to stop please. I need to write wattpad story sndbdbbabsbd.

Much love to editor: ZWildcatBard

Word count: 1124


Can You Speak Up? (Deaf Tommy AU) Tommyinnit x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum