35: Say "Hi" Women

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Pain is temporary but swag is forever. And look at wall of art.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I cry myself to sleep,
And if you are reading this,
You probably do too.

Much love <333
*sobs in mentally unstable*



"Ok, if you call me luv again I will pass out." Y/n said, closing the door behind her. Tommy chuckled.

"So, don't call you luv?" Tommy asked. Y/n pinched the bridge of her nose.

"So you're a simp?" Tommy smirked at Y/n's flustered face. She shoved a middle finger in his face.

(F/E/N: I had two VERY different thoughts reading that— 1. I can see this happening once my parents find out what the heck I'm reading- 2. SHE SHOVED A FINGER IN HIS NOSE??)

"Fuck you." She rolled her eyes. Tommy laughed as they walked towards the nearest store. They decided to try the fast food restaurant that was across the street of the hotel.

"I'm going to vlog this." Tommy said, pulling out his phone.

"LOOK IM WITH A GIRLLL." Tommy yelled, putting on his usual persona as he strutted across the pavement. Y/n held in a laugh.

"Say hi women." He said. Y/n waved and gave a soft hello.

"We are on a date." Tommy said. Y/n glared at him.

"No we are not." Y/n said, Tommy moved the camera away from her face.


(A/n: hearts ♥️ been broke 💔 so ❤️‍🩹 many times I 🤒 don't 🙅🏽 know 🤷🏽 what to believe 😔 mamma 👩🏽 said 🗣 its 👁 my 🤞 fault 😿 its 🤧 my 😩 fault 🖐 i put 👐 my 😤 heart ❤️ on 😞 my 🧑🏽 sleeve 💪)

"She's in love with me." He whispered at the camera. Y/n glared at him as he stopped the recording.

"What happened to 'hiding the relationship' huh?" Y/n said, signing air quotes. Tommy chuckled nervously.

"The viewers will hopefully think it's a bit, just keep denying me and we should be fine." Tommy said. Y/n rolled her eyes. They soon made it to the restaurant.

Y/n ordered her's and Tommy's food. It came quickly after they ordered.

"It's a women in her natural habitat." Tommy said, pointing the camera at Y/n eating. She flipped off the camera.

"HEY DON'T DO THAT TO THE POOR VIEWERS!" He yelped, holding the camera. Y/n took the camera.

"He's kidnapped me, I'm being held here against my wil-" Tommy snatched the phone from her.

"Don't believe her, she is delusional." He said. Tommy stopped recording to actually eat his food.

"You're stupid." Y/n laughed. Tommy raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean by that?" He said, shoving a fork full of food into his mouth.

"Nothing, I speed ran watching a lot of your videos though." Y/n said. Tommy almost choked on his food.

"You what!?" He said. Y/n nodded.

"The fucking mod videos are hilarious. I'm almost done with all of them, I just need to finish the Hypixal series." Y/n said. Tommy looked like he was going to cry.

"You're joking right." He said, blushing. Y/n nodded.

"Nope, also chew your food before you talk." Y/n scoffed. Tommy swallowed what was in his mouth.

"That is the fucking cutest thing anyone has ever done for me." Tommy said, flustered. Y/n rolled her eyes.

"Oh shut up, I mean I had nothing to do during my concussion. It helped pass time." Y/n said. Tommy still was flustered by this. He couldn't believe she watched a big portion of his vids.

"Also the vlogs are cool as shit." She said. Tommy nodded.

"I can't wait to get you into more of them, I have so much planned." Tommy beamed. Y/n laughed as he caught himself gushing about vlogging.

"Oh sorry, I'm rambling." Tommy said. Y/n chuckled and swirled the straw in her drink.

"I was interested, why'd you stop?" She said. Tommy blushed and continued.


(F/E/N: TODAYS RANDOM QUESTION: why do I have a charger plugged into the outlet above my expander-thing?)

(A/n: dum.)

After they finished their food they walked out the store talking peacefully. Until Tommy was swarmed by a crowd of girls.

"TOMMY!!" One of them yelled with their phone in hand.

"Oh hi." He said. The group of girls were panting. It seemed as if they ran all the way here.

"Do you want a photo?" He asked. They all nodded and quickly snapped a photo with him. Of course Y/n took them.

"Who's that?" One of the girls asked, taking a pic of Tommy and Y/n together.

"Oh she's a friend of mine, she's going to be in the next vlog." Tommy said. Y/n waved shyly as the girls flocked or took pics with her.

After they left her heart was racing.

"Holy shit, does that make me famous?" Y/n beamed. Tommy laughed.

"I mean, if you ever go anywhere with me you would know fangirls are always watching." Tommy said, looking around. Y/n laughed and the two of them walked back to the hotel.


They opened the door to see Phil standing by the door.

"Where were you guys?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. Y/n nervously chuckled.

"We didn't want to wake you guys so we went out to eat ourselves." Tommy said.  Phil sighed and stopped interrogating them.

"OooOOooo a breakfast date?" Tubbo cooed. Tommy flipped him off. He was sitting by the kitchen island with Ranboo.

The Dream Team were sitting on the coach talking amongst each other, while Niki and Ariadne were cleaning the kitchen, after everyone made a huge mess. Wilbur was helping but came over to talk to Y/n and Tommy.

Freddie was on the other side of the sofa on his phone while Phil moved for Wilbur to squeeze in to talk to Y/n and Tommy.

"Well we already ate too while you two were out and about, so we are going to the movies." Wilbur said, holding up tickets.

I watched black widow but someone pulled the fire alarm so we couldn't rewatch it because movie theaters are shit. So the next day we went back and had to rewatch the entire thing. But it's ok because we brought more people with us that time.

Anyway I am your queen bisexual, and if you disagree with me being the queen then you can fight me. Unless the people you compare me to are Niki, Eret, Freddie or Minx then you win.

"I'm just in a silly goofy mood." -wise man

Much love to editor: ZWildcatBard

Word count: 1108


Can You Speak Up? (Deaf Tommy AU) Tommyinnit x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now